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Sepharite last won the day on November 3 2021

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About Sepharite

  • Birthday 11/24/1988

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    Toronto, Ontario

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  1. I have Covid so I am stuck in a room away from my two children and my wife. It is a sad day but a bittersweet one, knowing I can go back to them in a few days. Made this piece to emphasize my feelings and emotions. Hope you all have a safe christmas.
  2. I love it! It fits an intro perfectly. The instrumentation is spot on, especially with the electronics. I just wish it built up to climax and then stopped with a bang. Hopefully you can continue it. Side note, have you heard the OST of Digital Devil Saga?
  3. Simple minimalistic piece using Olafur's Strings (from SpitFire Audio).
  4. Simple and effective. I like it! The chords were a bit cliche, but the instrumentation was very pleasant and definitely captured the "royal" feeling.
  5. Thanks for listening both! Definitely has a bit of Jazz Improvisation (which I am trying to learn), as well as minimalism - which I enjoy composing. It's my attempt at diverging from my usual flair of pop sounds, I think.
  6. I composed this short piano solo with some string accompaniment. It's meant to cover the emotions of feeling uneasy and unsure... the middle section is moreso relief, with some cautiousness, and then back to the beginning feeling. Not meant to be melodic, but more so atmospheric.
  7. Very interesting! To be honest I didn't get the general feeling of Dunkirk, as that's more electronic droning/classical. I found this to be more of dance music. I would look into the quantization of some notes; some felt a bit off. The overall build up is nice though, good job.
  8. This is pretty good. Good build up of instruments, gradually reaching the end. I'm sure you can continue and build upon it for a nice climax, and then finally ending with the piano riff. Like Peter said, definitely could use some quantization as I heard some off parts. But overall, I like the mood. Sounds like something from a JRPG.
  9. Pretty! I love the various ethnic instruments used. Great used of instruments in a percussive manner. Love the part where the piano comes in. When the strings appears, its very lovely and a nice change of scenery. What sound fonts do you use? They're very realistic. Great work, great piece.
  10. Scene where the MC discovers the crime scene, far too gruesome than she can handle. Apologies for the clipping, I am still working on the audio recording portion.
  11. Thanks so much for the comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the simplicity of it. Yes those are open 5ths on a violin and cello, with some harmonics built into it. Thanks for listening!
  12. Short and minimalistic piece I composed for piano. It's not meant to be intrusive, or in your face... but more like relaxing on a beach and thinking of the past, reminiscing.
  13. Video was removed
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