Hey, this is my GCSE 'Music For A Special Event' composition, the event was valentines day, aww.. :P Been meaning to upload it for a while...
When I gave it to my music teacher, I had recorded a vocal melody over the top too, but I prefer it without, the whole thing was rushed the two days before the deadline. Without the lyrics, it's kinda samey after the intro untill the middle eight, which I didn't know it had untill my teacher said he liked the middle eight, ;) so feel free to skip to there after the intro, it's around 50 seconds, and from 1 minute 40, it repeats untill the end, so feel free to stop it there..
Some bits are a little out of time, but it's only a rough version without the lyrics, might do it again for fun.. haha, any comments would be appreciated.. Thanks. :D
All the sounds except for the guitar are from a sound box, and I did not use a drum pre-set each part of the drum was on a different key... recorded all the sounds from my dad's keyboard.
The time on the actual tracks messed up, dunno why, but it means if you listen to it, and don't move the time cursor thingy on the track, the middle eight will start at 1 minute 50'ish, which is really close to the end of the track, even though it's only about half way through the track??? Oh well, happens on my mp3 player, and windows media player, anyone know why this might be..?
Click here to listen to Music-GCSE-Composition
I was soo pleased I managed to get steal pans into a GCSE composition.. lol :P