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selcukozer001 last won the day on September 2 2019

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About selcukozer001

  • Birthday 03/01/1976

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    Electronics Engineer
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    music studio

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  1. Hi, Could you pleaseCanon in Me.mp3 check o ut my piece and give feedback? Thanks so much.
  2. Dear All, I am presenting my latest song in this post. I finalized it a few weeks ago. I'll be glad if you listen to it and tell me what you think. Best regards, Velvet.pdf Selcuk Ozer
  3. Dear @Lotsy piano and @Tónskáld I'm sorry for my late reply. Than you for your detailed analysis. I can't tell how much I appreciate these constructive critiques. I'll keep them in my mind. Thanks for helping me to improve myself.
  4. Hi @Jean Szulc Thanks for listening. I'm attaching the sheets. Sarab.pdf
  5. https://soundcloud.com/selcukozer001/sarab Hi, I have recently finished composing this piano track. I was inspired by Sarabande of Handel (That is why I named it "Sarab" :)). I wonder if you like it. Please also give me some feedback. Thanks for listening to it.
  6. It is a beautiful piece. Especially I liked the transitions between 45-60, and 1:30-1:44. Well done!
  7. Hi @.Em. Thanks for your feedback. Actually the computer played the piece. Unfortunately I am not a performer 😞 I dream that one day my compositions would be so good that some performers will play it 🙂 Anyway thanks for your feedback again.
  8. Dear @Mark101 and @Ken320 Thanks for your comments and feedback. The song doesn't have words. I thought I would add lyrics to the song if it is good enough. I think you both right about your opinions. I think I will reuse the phrases in another song. Thanks for your review again :)
  9. Hello, I'll be very glad if you check out my song and tell your opinion. https://soundcloud.com/selcukozer001/a-rose-in-winter
  10. Hello All, I wrote this piece several years ago. I noticed that I haven't posted it here. So I'm sharing it here to get some feedback. Best regards, Selcuk Ozer
  11. Hi @Ampnoe's Thanks for your comment. I am so glad that you liked it 🙂
  12. Dear All, Please check out my new piano composition. I listened to it too many times and I think I became insensitive to the parts that sound out of harmony (if exists). It would be quite useful for me if you point the parts that sound good or bad.
  13. Hi @Luis Hernández I'm so glad that you liked it 🙂 Thanks for your useful feedback. Dynamics is what I usually ignore 🙂
  14. @Gustav Johnson Hi Gustav, Thanks for your analysis. Your feedback is quite useful for me. I think I'll revise it or compose a new one using your suggestions. I also liked phrases at measure 18-24. I think I'm gonna use those measures in another composition. Thanks for your listening and commenting again 🙂
  15. @Gustav Johnson Thanks for your comment. I generated the score from midi using Musescore. It seems quite messy but I don't know how to fix it. I attached the generated sheet.
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