Meistersingers is proud to present their 6th Annual Choral Composition Competition. Also, we are extremely excited to release this announcement under the new name, the Knapp Award. Named in honor of Jim and Sally Knapp, ardent supporters of Meistersingers, their commitment will ensure this competition will continue for many years to come. In the 6th year of its existence this competition has received over 400 submissions, more than half created specifically for Meistersingers. With $5000 in prize money awarded to date, to both established and upcoming composers, Meistersingers is committed to fostering the future of the choral art.
Please visit for more information and the application
Postmark Deadline: March 1, 2012
*$1,000.00 and at least two performances by Meistersingers
*Archival recording for winner’s use toward publishing
*Possible commercial recording by Meistersingers
There is a $25 entry fee
Submission Guidelines:
Complete Competition Submission Form (can be downloaded from
Original Composition for 4-8 part SATB a cappella choir (further divisi possible/range is not an issue)
Texts focusing on light or dark themes are preferred.
4-8 minutes long
Must be a world premiere performance (rehearsal read-throughs are acceptable)
Anonymous Submission
- Remove all names (except poet, if necessary) and identifying marks;
- Provide a sealed envelope containing your name, address, email, the title and performance
history of the piece (if applicable), and phone number.
Submit a legible, photo-copy ready, score with piano reduction for rehearsal purposes
- including a recording (MIDI, piano, etc.) is strongly encouraged but not required.
If text is not in public domain, composer is responsible for including written permission to use it
Selection Process:
The Music Director/Conductor, Brian Dehn, shall review all scores received.
A Selection Committee, consisting of members chosen by the Music Director/Conductor and Board, shall review many of the scores received.
The decision of the Music Director/Conductor and Selection Committee will be final.
Winning Composer will be notified by April 2, 2012
Other Items of Interest:
Texts that focus on dark/light/day/night are preferred as our summer concert is centered on those themes.
The winning composition is scheduled to be performed in May of 2012 in the Southern California area. Meistersingers encourages the composer’s attendance and cooperation in media publicity and press coverage.
The winning composer must provide a final performance score by April 6, 2012.
Meistersingers shall make 35 copies for the chorus, director, and rehearsal accompanist.
There are no restrictions according to race, sex, or age.
A composer may submit more than one piece.
Meistersingers reserves the right not to select a winning composition and/or award a prize.
A brief description of Meistersingers, including Mission Statement and type of literature performed, can be found on their website:
Send all Submissions, along with form to:
Meistersingers, Inc.
Knapp Award
8941 Atlanta Avenue #187
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
For further information, visit the website or email
Knapp info.pdf