Hi! I saw a thread somewhere on this forum, the question was something like "How do I compose film music"
Then somebody answered that he/she should buy a program like Cubase, at least it was a non notation software.
Now my question is, why is it better to use a program like that instead of a notation program like Sibelius?
I mean, they are not even able to print a partiture after they are done?
I want to start composing movie music, but I don't understand softwares like Cubase, and I don't understand why it would be better to use it either.
It looks pretty fun to compose that way thought, but Ijust don't understand it...
I have not been composing much, just some choir stuff/arrangements, and some smal orchestral pieces. I am not really inspired by classical music, even if I play it myself, I just compose what I think sounds good.
Also, any suggestions on sites were I can find orchestral partitures that are used in movies? I really want to study them a little bit more.