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About Menelik

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    Bach, Beethoven, Liszt, Stravinsky, Bartok, Martinu, Messiaen, Takemitsu
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  1. What about placing a temporary banner at the home page, perhaps above the troll-advertising Shoutbox ;) ? That should surely bring more votes in than having this topic at the very bottom of it.
  2. Nah, they are not. Ravel's law is just a Dominus Vobiscum wannabe. BTW, I don't think that has anything at all to do with the topic at hand.
  3. Fine example of how creative and original our resident trolls are.
  4. Voting is still open, so that might still be corrected. Also - you can pick two ;) .
  5. Just because you hide yourself behind a hundred different usernames doesn't mean I'm as false as you are.
  6. Well, I was. And I was also wondering about why didn't your piece make it as well, Maestro. You know, anything you write should qualify hands-down as a masterpiece of modernity.
  7. First time I hear this kind of account of the Renaissance and the Enlightment. And among the first times that I hear that Aristotle didn't contradict at all Christian theology (possibly because the Catholic theology also contradicted Christ's teachings quite often).
  8. Hmm... in this case it seems that the Austen and Sojar himself would be forbidden to vote at all, given that they seem to have a nomination in virtually every composition category :eyebrow: .
  9. What happened, couldn't find an answer on Google? :lol:
  10. Yeah, we should reckon with the fact that everyone already knows the basics about music and no one needs any help to get started.
  11. Can't stop laughing. If the kid expected someone to answer "Google", he wouldn't have entered a suppossedly especialized site to ask that. Now is that being helpful or insultingly condescending? And LOL @ "preachy hypocrite" - coming from a guy who is indeed a dick AND a preachy hypocrite - accusing me of derailing the thread "by turning the focus to Chris and I", when it had been already derailed by Chris and you turning the focus on yourselves as usual. And baaaaack to topic: contacting helpful members and getting your hands on theory books is a must. Look for Schoenberg's book on harmony, since a lot of modern music can trace itself to the theories pursued by the Second Vienese School. And don't ever stop listening to contemporary works while studying - you'll find yourself eventually grasping the concepts being demonstrated.
  12. For someone who tries so hard to be as much of a dick as possible, you're not showing anything to be so much of a dick about.
  13. So you have been already greeted by our most helpful, likeable members... Well, if this is a composer's site, there's a good chance you might eventually contact someone who can be actually helpful. I've seen there are some guys (such as Sarastro, Maestrowick, Sojar Voglar, SYS65 and JAWoodruff, among others) who actually know and even teach a lot about music and composition - while not making lame attempts to act like smart dicks.
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