Getting straight to the point:
I'm a 16 year old boy who plays guitar (acoustic and electric) and I play a little music. I'm in 5th grade of my 'highschool' (different schoolsystem, I live in the Netherlands) and I have had music class at school for 5 years. The first three years consisted of just playing music (the course was mandatory so had to be manageable for everyone).
The last 2 years, I've had a lot of general music theory. Minor, major, harmonic scale, pentatonic, melodic, bourdon, staccato legato con arco etc etc.
This is just to let you know that I have some experience and at least know what things like this mean, so I'm not just someone who randomly decided to make music.
Since I've been playing guitar for 5 years, I have become very interested in making my own music. I like programming, games etc and I would like to be able to make music for that. At the moment, I'm trying to make a song that has the same feeling as the Lord of the Rings movie theme. Of course, I'm not that naive that I would every be able to reach the level of Howard Shore in a really short time, but I want to make music on my own level, the only problem is that I don't know all the theory about it.
My way of making a song, has always been:
-Picking a scale, for instance a minor (to be lazy for a moment)
-Writing a for heavy strings like celli in the tones of the A minor scale (abcdefg)
-Writing a melody in the same tones from A minor scale
of course this sounds really boring, but what is the best way to go on by this? To what scale can I switch inside this song and how? I know the meaning of I,II,IV,V etc but not how to use them in this. What chords go along with A minor and how do I have to sort them, etc?