Why are you all feeding this fire? Kefienzel clearly doesn't know what he (assuming a guy just because) is talking about... unless, let's turn this on him: can you cite other examples (OTHER THAN CAGE) of music you don't like from recent years? Tell us a little about your feelings towards Adams, Daugherty, Saariaho, Reich, Carter, Andriessen, Takemitsu... These are "contemporary" composers that you should check out if you don't know their works. There is a wide range of aesthetic here; I'm not trying to show you just one example of "recent" music. Please stop making such wide-ranging assumptions when you have likely listened to one CD of Cage's music and decided you dislike a "majority" of recent music. Also, take time to educate yourself and open your listening experience before posting topics like this. No one is saying you have to like new(er) music, but you do have to give it an educated and fair look. You also need to be able to back up your claims with solid citations and examples, otherwise no one will take you seriously.