Hi there.
Been reading this forum for about a year now and I'd like to send my appreciation as it has been really key for me. This site's existence really gives me hope that I can one day compose some half-decent pieces, so I finally decided to sign up!
A quick bit about me: At the moment I only have beginner-to-moderate theory knowledge. I can read music well enough but cannot yet analyze it. I'm a singer with a good ear, but I'm learning to play piano in order to aid my theory learning. I write and record my own music, but it's written mostly by ear and not theory.
So currently I can adequately play my major and minor scales, and I've started memorizing all the chords for C.
I'm not quite sure what's best from here though. My plan is to learn all the chord positions I possibly can, then move on to scale degrees, chord substitutions, etc...but I'm not sure what the most productive sequence would be.
Should I learn all the C-chords and their inversions, then move on to C# and learn all those, then to D, etc..? Or, for simplicity, should I ignore inversions for now, and just learn root position for each key?
I'm also wondering if at first I should worry about 6ths, 9ths, 11ths, etc... It's easy enough learning those for C, but things may get cluttered in my head if I'm on that for 12 keys. I've bookmarked and downloaded some nice chord-chart type references, though it seems approaching it the wrong way will end with a headache.
Is there perhaps a more intuitive way to study chords, or is it really just play them until they're ingrained?
And of course the subsequent question relates to chord progression and musical analysis. There are quite a few discussions around the web on this, I often hear "study jazz progressions" or "just play around and see what you like".
I personally don't know much about jazz progressions, but it seems to start with jazz would be somewhat difficult. The latter statement makes sense, but certainly seems inefficient.
I'm slowly memorizing the circle of fifths/chord functions/scale degrees, but it feels like undisciplined learning. Would someone know any good books or web resources with a more organized approach for someone in my position?
And I might as well include a similar question for musical analysis - surely these two must go hand-in-hand during learning..?
thanks so much!