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Robbie Parker

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About Robbie Parker

  • Birthday 05/14/1991

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  • Gender
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  • Occupation
    Security officer
  • Interests
    music composing
  • Favorite Composers
    hans zimmer,two steps from hell,john williams,Sawano Hiroyuki,nick sampson
  • My Compositional Styles
    my own
  • Instruments Played
    guitar,piano,french horn,banjo,drums,bass

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Contributor (5/15)

  • Eight Years in
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  1. sweet i got another month hopfully i can find time to work on this now :DD
  2. im moving in a week and im packing everyday on top of going to work i have no time for this :(
  3. no haha, some guy said he had never herd the zelda theme before. so i posted it.
  4. can anyone point me to where i can learn about percussion compostion?

    1. jrcramer


      look for user nickstix

  5. anyone know where i can find some really big drums at? stuff kinda like at 2:50 in this songhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6O6Q1OiF6LI

  6. still having trouble posting in the shout box :/

    1. SYS65


      very strange, do you at least have the field to enter text ? any error appears ?

    2. phython


      you can try and refresh the page... sometimes if you enter things too quickly, it has the little flashing thing ...

    3. Robbie Parker

      Robbie Parker

      i didnt even have a text box a admin fixed it for me though thanks!

  7. how do you post in the shout box?!

    1. KahliaSkye


      erm.. you type, then press enter o.0

    2. Robbie Parker

      Robbie Parker

      it wont let me :O

  8. what are some good online classes i can take to get a degree for music in fiilm and tv

  9. i need more reveiws on my song!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rosenskjold


      It comes off as lazy and also a bit arrogant to expect people to spend time on giving feedback on something you haven't invested time in. When members give feedback on this site, it's mostly well considered and something they actually took time to think about. You can't expect people to care about some small melody stump you came up with, spend time developing it and show us what it can become, and then maybe people will take time out to review it.

    3. Robbie Parker

      Robbie Parker

      i was just saying its the start of the works, i wasnt saying it wasnt something i wasnt going to invest time in,i just wanted to know if i was on the right track im new at this so im asking alot of questions, but your words are not taken lightly and i understand what your saying.

    4. Rosenskjold


      Yes and I know exactly how you feel wanting to know if you're on the right track with it. Next time post it in the "incomplete works etc." section, and maybe just word it better than start out with "I didn't spend a lot of time on this". Maybe just go straight the point instead and ask if people think this conveys the feeling you want it to.

  10. getting m audio 88es keystation tomorrow!! :DD

  11. i need some feedback on my song plz and thank you : ) http://www.youngcomposers.com/music/2367/zaakua-preveiw/

  12. if everyone could check out my song and leave me some feed back it help me out alot thank! http://www.youngcomposers.com/music/2367/zaakua-preveiw/

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