For me, fame it's not necessary, neither I pursue this. My ambitions are most linked to my own capacity than anything else. I think the only exception is the fact I wanna earn a lot of money to do and have lot of things that are really expensive, as sport cars, habanos, premium wines, Hans Zimmer' studio... hahaha.
Now, serious, I do wanna earn a respectable money with this - not needing to work as anything else, to focus 100% of my labor efforts in music - and enjoy a good life. And do some trips around the world. I plan to speak fluently 8 or 9 languages until 2018 (the year I hope finish my doctorate); currently I have only proficiency in 2, and understand more 2, but I'm slowly forgetting these because I'm not practicing them (to train again is a thing it's in my new year goals list). I'll start another 2 languages in 2013 (latest at early-2014). Finish my music books and thesis is a good goal too.
Also, I wanna do a study on sacred music, maybe a graduate - i'm currently thinking in get back to study latin at uni to approach this, or even do self-study.
For the money, I want someday to work on Hollywood - the harder part of my dream, I know. But who knows what future reserves?