tuohey, you are absolutely right. (In fact, I do admit even I had that a bit mixed together in my head when I wrote my original post.) Yes, both atonal and tonal have various degrees of consonance and dissonance. For instance, any first year theory course would tell us that intervals such as minor seconds and Major sevenths are dissonances. I don't think anyone will argue a lack of dissonance in common practice music. But look at Mozart, he had dissonance in his music like any composer, but he also had clear (if bland) harmonies and harmonic progressions. The bottom line is that music can't have absolutely no sense of direction. I think it's wonderful that people are experimenting and pushing the envelope musically, but whether it be tonal or atonal, music needs some type of harmonic structure to be truly pleasing and satisfying. (of course there are instances where this does not apply, but for the most part, it does.)