"Points, Lines, and Spikes"
For piano and two vocalists.
This is my first post to this forum. It is of the first draft of my longest piece so far (over 9 minutes). The vision here is the gradual deconstruction of tonality and stable rhythm, with a brief recapitulation nearing the end.
The first section of the piece is an attempt to create an ambiguous modality that is clarified (or further complicated) by the arrival of the vocalists.
The second section utilizes a denser, more continuous texture in which rhythms are exchanged between "voices". Harmonically, there is more of a challenge to tonality here, as the segment stretches the confines of Cmajor and eventually moves to zone of unclear tonality with a fully diminished 7th chord.
Finally, the last section utilizes a different harmonic method. Chord progressions are eschewed in favor of a gradual realization of a twelve-tone saturation. The soprano line is an actual 12-tone row. The piano and second vocalist parts share a small collection of notes at the beginning, and each note that the soprano states is added to that collection. The influence of Steve Reich's approach to melody exists in each of the melodic lines. As the section continues, the rhythms break down to create busier and more complex textures.
Finally, the piece recapitulates, albeit with some Stravinskian alterations.
Issues: the playablity of sections two and three are in question. I will certainly be revising section two (those sixteenths in the soprano line are KILLER, for sure).
Section three seems to lag a bit. This is due to my use of a hyperbolic speeding process. I wanted the increasing rhythmic complexity to increase exponentially, but I think it may just begin too slowly.
Also, I have yet to determine an appropriate text for the piece. Missing are dynamics, articulations, etc.
I'm not too concerned about the readability of the score, yet. The piece won't be performed until May, so I have some time to clean it up. I had to add a third staff to the piano part near the end of the piece because I don't yet know of a good way to show three very rhythmically independent voices moving in the same cleff. I would appreciate any advice on this.
Please let me know what you think!
I will include the sibellius file, even though I really think that it obscures what the piece will hopefully sound like.
I suggest listening to the MP3 version that I have linked to, as the Reason instruments used sound much better:
SoundClick MP3: Justin Crowell - Band page with free MP3 music downloads on SoundClick
Points, Lines, and Spikes.sib
Points, Lines, and Spikes.pdf
Points, Lines, and Spikes.mid