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theviolinist7 last won the day on October 22 2012

theviolinist7 had the most liked content!

About theviolinist7

  • Birthday May 18

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I know 370 digits of pi.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Pi-Reciter, Debater, Violinist
  • Favorite Composers
    Prokoviev, Stravinsky, Shostakovich
  • My Compositional Styles
    everything in the classical genre from species counterpoint to twelve-tone
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Finale 2011, iWriteMusic 2 for iPad, Sibelius 6, Finale 2008 Notepad, Finale 3.0
  • Instruments Played
    Violin, Viola, Piano,

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  1. Write a post in your profile, like facebook, about this. People will see it more. This is quite hidden, right now.
  2. Does anyone else see two moons in the sky right now?

    1. Austenite


      I used to see two to four moons before realizing I was using the wrong glasses.

    2. theviolinist7


      Sorry, I didn't realize I was invading your privacy, Buckaroo. Better pack up.

  3. http://www.youngcomposers.com/music/4118/88/
  4. My first "composition" is long gone. It was probably written when I was 7 on Finale 3.0 (yes, it was old. The computer was older than me). Then the computer crashed. My first real composition is Quartet No. 1, Mvt. I. http://www.youngcomposers.com/music/3018/quartet-no-1/
  5. Sorry but I have to drop out. I have no time
  6. The song doesn't do anything for me, mainly because there is basically zero pitch (which is why I don't like rap in general). However, since rap is pitchless, it is incredibly easy to sing; that is probably why Gangnam Style and related songs are so popular.
  7. One thing I hate is with my laptop, because I don't have a number pad, it is very hard to enter notes in, because in order to change rhythms, I either have to press a series of weird buttons, and then press more weird buttons so I can use the keyboard to change pitches, or I have to actually click whenever I change rhythms. It gets very frustrating.
  8. Ok. I saw in the rules something about it being in D, but then, it gave me a chord progression with b and f#. So which is it? And if any tonal baroque-style fugue works, (which I see it doesn't), go to my quartet no. 1, and listen to the third movement. It's a baroque-style fugue.
  9. ok then.......
  10. People can be banned from YC?
  11. oh............................
  12. When are results?
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