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dostoprimo last won the day on August 26 2012

dostoprimo had the most liked content!

About dostoprimo

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  • Instruments Played
    Piano, cello

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  1. My submission: http://www.youngcomposers.com/music/3772/suite-in-c-for-solo-cello-november-december-competition/
  2. I think I'm doing this. I'm not terribly comfortable writing Baroque music... It'll be interesting to see what I manage to throw together, at least...
  3. Second place??!! WAAAH! *goes out and gets drunk* *kidding* *actually kidding* :) Congratulations Morivou! Your piece was seriously awesome and deserved to win. Congrats to Tokkemon and Happenstance, I really enjoyed both your pieces as well!
  4. @Morivou oh you! :blush: Glad you liked it!
  5. I went 1 bar over the limit... in my defense, though, the last bar just has a whole note, and I didn't use any note lengths shorter than a quarter note! :) http://www.youngcomp...e-3-in-c-minor/
  6. This is a cool idea. I think I'm going to try.
  7. Ok, here you go then! http://www.youngcomposers.com/music/3268/tetris-variations-augustseptember-competition/
  8. Please don't cancel this! I've been basically done with my submission since August, and since then I've just been sitting on it, making occasional minor adjustments and counting down the days till the end of September! If it's cancelled now, I think I'll just cry! :)
  9. Thanks, that is exactly what I needed to know!
  10. So in this piece I'm working on, there is a part where the harp plays alternating C major and Ab major chords. Now, I don't know a ton about the harp, but I from what I know about its pedaling system, I think a good way to do this would be if the harpist actually plays C-Fb-G followed by Ab-C-Eb, so they don't have to switch from E to Eb in the act. My question is, how should I notate this? Should I write it in this enharmonic notation (even though it looks funky to me) or write what the notes "should" be (C-E-G, Ab-C-Eb) and trust the harpist to do the sensible thing? And should I give some warning to the harpist in the preceding rests about how their strings need to be tuned? Thanks, DP
  11. I think your question has been answered twice actually: either one is acceptable.
  12. Augh! I was just ready to say what I had was good enough, and now I have to work with this same darn theme for another month?? :P Also, the date it is due says September 31st, but unless I'm remembering wrong, I think it's, "30 days hath September..." :)
  13. I'd like to get in on this, if I still can.
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