Hey guys. THANK YOU so much for the feedback on my piece.
Sadly, I am aware, and have been, that my piece doesn't fit into a "Theme and Variations" contest very well, and I understood the penalties I would face, score wise, because of it. But, I was DYING to do some writing and soon after I started, it transformed into something very different from a Theme and Variation, so I went with it, and couldn't say no to submitting my work.
My goal was to, at least, have you, the listener, enjoy what they were hearing. I hope I did an ok job.
About my score, I am very sorry it was of poor quality. I usually write a scratch score dealing with the music on a note to note basis (What you guys were looking at) and finish my ideas up by adding dynamics, instruments, and adjustments later in a separate program. It kinda makes things worse when you throw in that I couldn't even figure out how to get a score until the week before submission. So you might be able to see how it ended up so pathetic. Haha. Sorry again, the score really wasn't given much time. That, and I had no way to differentiate sounds between things like the "String Pluck" and the bowed strings, so I did what I had to, to create to sounds I needed. Using different tracks was the only way to do it on the program I use for writing, and I didn't condsider it THAT big of a deal at the time. Hell, I got the sound I wanted.
Also, Ad Hoc, you were dead on when you described it as being a song loosely built off of a theme. I am glad that you derived that from the mess I presented. The rules kind of became second after I started writing and, at that point, I just wanted to create the best possible tune I could based off of that wonderful theme, I think of it as a tribute, so I accept my scores graciously.