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T.J. Menzel

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About T.J. Menzel

  • Birthday 08/31/1991

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  • Location
    Grand Rapids, MI
  • Occupation
    I am currently unemployed but I am looking for a small job in the music business.
  • Interests
    I love music!!! I play the flute and piano. I also sing for the local opera.

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  1. I am currently writing my first symphony after trashing many before this one due to my own dislike. I am currently writing the second movement and I have a harp part included. I was wondering if this was against the rules of symphony writing. I believe Mahler uses one is his symphony in G Major symphony. Just writing to inquire. I like the harp part and wouldnt know how to replace it if it was not acceptable. THANKS! -T.J. Menzel
  2. He's doing it for free thank you very much. If I make money off of this then he surely will too. But that will be in about a year when it is ready to premiere.
  3. Will someone please give me some constructive sriticism on this piece?
  4. Please add me too......Is it possible for me to judge? Please comment back.
  5. I would have to say any by Khachaturian but specifically the Violin Concerto later turned into a flute concerto by Rampal.
  6. Wow. Im impressed! This is a true work of art. It really does sound like a soundtrack. You should submit it to a movie company. Is this on GPO Finale 2007? Im having a problem with mine remaining in GPO it wants to go to SoftSynth unexpectadly. Anyways, keep up the good work. I wish I had a score to look at. Musically, T.J. Menzel
  7. Oops.......my bad.......did you hear it.........have any comments for me?......
  8. it was an mp3 file and i could find a converter from mp3 to midi......sorry...
  9. http://www.savefile.com/files/377642 Theres the link to the midi.....have away at it......
  10. This is the Finale file....sorry for you people who arent updated but this is a 2007 file......and the wav. file will be coming shortly. Symphony No. 1.MUS
  11. This is my first symphony. Plain and simple but somewhat enjoyable to me anyways. I was wondering where to go next.......I have a main theme and it is being repeated if you listen very hard. It is in G major and it is the first movement. I just need to know what to do next....I have come to a dead end. Thanks. Musically, T.J. Menzel
  12. Overall you have a very nice work started here. I agree with the first thread that it may be somewhat difficult in measures 3 and 5. If you wish to keep these measures I would reccomend making the piece harder as a whole. You need to stop and consider who you are writing this for....kid, teen, concert pianist........? Also instead of writing out your trill in the second to last measure I would reccomend writing it as a trill with a grace note lead to the next measure then doing a footnote and the bottom of the page indicating how you would prefer it to be notated. Hope this helps. Musically, T.J. Menzel
  13. I am searching for a very talented writer who may or may not have experience with writing an opera but mast have some experience with some aspect of opera. A small sum of money is up for the person who takes the job. If you are interested please e-mail me or just reply to this thread. Musically, T.J. Menzel
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