I've been wondering this too...I'm going on 30, went to college (mistake) 12 years ago to work as a PC tech, then the economy died and it's never recovered in my hometown. I've got the whole "starving artist" thing down pat now, so I hope I can move on from here. ;-) No but really, music has always been a passion of mine. I guess that we should be dissecting the word "career". You can be a career composer -- i.e. a musician interested in composing and in it for the long haul -- at any age, and it's got to be a lifelong pursuit, regardless of the financial success you find or don't find. But as far as being someone who's 24/7 a composer and only a composer? Very few people get to do that regardless of what their age is. All we can do is keep on hitting the desk every day and plugging our notes in and biting our nails when it's played. What happens next? Nobody knows . . .