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About violinboy

  • Birthday 09/21/1992

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  1. i really enjoyed it, i know your looking for critic, but this is way above my standard yet i still think i shud say well done, i hope i cud compose like u one day, what software u use?
  2. very enjoyble, u really do milk the cymbal roll tho loool, i dont really know howw much you have done but it sounds nice, defo a keeper put that in your archive and be proud matey
  3. this is very good, although i dont think it really makes me think of icekles, its to 'warm'. I dont get the harsh sense of coldness. Its all to low down i suggest. You rarley use your wind to good affect which i think would be more realistic of what your trying to do. Harmonically i think its rather boring apart from some areas. Its quiet bog standard chords structure throughout, i cant comment to much as i havent gone through the score that much but i think you have talent to do alot more with the harmonies. Also your structure is 'fluid' which im guessing is what your was trying to suppose. What i dont get is the now and the cymbal crashes. Im like that was not the climax!!!! because ive been listening to this build up in the low strings for minutes and all i get is maybe a bar or two with a symbal crash for realease. I really think you dont do it justice. Your obviously good with the build up but you need to spend more time on working on something memorable, that makes me sing it after or hum it. it doesnt have to be like a big melody, but i cant help but think ive listened to just section A after A after A, its preety much all the same music. Sorry for the bad critique i just think what youve shown here isnt a lack of compositional skills more to do with direction, emotion, iventivness, and think you should continue to work on this piece you probabaly think is done, but i dont think it is.
  4. i can play violin tooo !!! compose one for me :)
  5. when do you submit.. ive done mine.. ive already posted on the site, but do i need to do a seperate one here as well?
  6. My piece takes two fragment ideas, see if you can see them. One is a rhythm and the other is a notation. I displace them invert them. I only use percussion and a weird mix at that. It may sound as if its just put together in 10 seconds. but it took my quiet a while Percussion.mid
  7. i really like the start good orceshtration. i think you have really memorable themes, which is always important in film music. You have good energy in the strings instead of the easily long notes often used by composers on this website. Sounds very 'Pirates of the Carribean' i guess you was influenced by this type of music. Good work a defaitne winner
  8. yer I just got GPO as well, its not that great i dont think but its ok. Hmm its nice what you have done so far. at 1:34 i dont think the triplets work with the piano, its quiet annoying. Your harmonic rhythm like how often the chords change is very similar, perhaps slow it down and speed it up sometimes for variation. And your melody's are a little long, perhaps take a section and repeat more often. That means they are more memorable. AHH sorry i have just seen that you have done that a little but i think you must do it a little more or a little more obvious, because after my first listen i couldnt remember the melodie. Its always good to remembner in a love story its usually simple and memorable. Think of all the great love songs its the chorus or the 4 bars of melody that does it. I also think you take FARRR to long to get a crescendo.. If its romanace its up and down all the time i think, you keep in on plane for long periods. Im like this isnt very pasionate. Just some ideas but im only critisising on that level because your obviously very good so :whistling: good work tho carry it on.
  9. :whistling: youve reveiwed the wrong piece but its ok.. that one was redone as well. Youve have done the opening, when he hasnt arrived in spain as of yet theres a long story, the 2nd is when he arrives and he finds love but she dont like him.. :D
  10. harmonically this is very good, cleary i can hear the major 7ths, the base note is fantasitic. I really enjoy this music and i can really engadge it. The entry of the piano is just in time as i was dozing off. the change in texture is great. your loud section is very well done. i would suggest that we hear the melody first maybe in the piano before it starts as just a pre thought. i wud like that so when i hear the fanfare im like i know that. The piece is through composed i guess because its not got any great structure its more of a journey, i prefer that but in any journeys there is always repition etc so dont forget that. But good job What is this piece of music for etc?
  11. hmmm.. fantastic ideas and harmonic awareness. However i will not just comment on what you can obviously hear we are trying to help you compose your best so i will try to make constructive critisim etc. I beleive you intro is a little erm.... thick... a good idea would be to layer your instruments in. i like you theme A its working well for me. 1:14 is very good. I really get a sense of despair in this piece you have done well. Although i would perhaps like to hear the theme a little more, i think you did about 3-4 and although i myself am a culprit you didnt re iterate it enough. by the time of like 2:30 im thinking is there no hope??! its been VERY VERY dark, perhaps this is you idea but its getting rather uncomftoable to listen to loool, :D Your use of the strings is superb i think your a string player. WOW 3:20 the theme is back that is good. your structure is good, but i dont quiet feel its effective. I think a ray of light within the middle or near the begining would add colour to the piece. For me its like your just trapped and just trapped and no way out. What would be more of an impact is thinking your getting out and then NOOOO u dont! that would be more drmatic, because by the time of like 5.00 im resigned to dieing :whistling: if there was hope then it would captivate me throughout. i will probably review this alot better and im intrested in what u do next with it. It is very good tho
  12. there were some nice chords through this, it is a good piece of work. What i really recommend if this is your first piece is that you use this as a place to devlop. I hate people when they say just 'devlop' without guidance. so here it is Use this short melody and accompaniment to learn how to 1. Orchestrate. Dont just use brass now try it with a string ensemble or a wind ensemble, this wont take long but think hard about how you can pass the tune around and the differnt sort of accompaniments that you can make, perhaps for the strings make it slower and get a thincker texture, or with the wind a little faster with semi quaver passages 2.modulate, The end sounded a IDEAL PLACE to go to the relative minor. If you dont know what that is its like the the minor key with the same key signiture IE cmjaor and A minor. In sibelius just transpose down a minor third (i think!! :whistling:) 3. just as a note remember this and keep it safe so when u make a longer piece you have a theme already composed and you can insert it.
  13. yes i have sibelius i want to hear your piece. get sibelius man
  14. illl review as it goes along. Ok its a fair start, it hasnt captured much imadgination but its there :). Ok the counterpoint is intresting sounds very bach'y its nice. its very comfotable to listen to alothough the dissonaaces are there im 'expecting' them so its kool. AHH some music has recaptiulated thats nice i know it :). im sorta singing along. OK wow its devloping modulation time!! even more modulating and minor section i like that. OOO and it just finished.. its weird finishing in the minor!! u shud of gone back to the major to finish but ok :) Overall a nice piece but the rhythm was just the same... ive heard alot better pieces from you im slightly dissapointed, but i mean u proerply didnt put Months in to this so as a little light hearted piece its kool, im sure u know u can devlop more and do other stuff..
  15. u got a midi or somink
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