this is very good, although i dont think it really makes me think of icekles, its to 'warm'. I dont get the harsh sense of coldness. Its all to low down i suggest. You rarley use your wind to good affect which i think would be more realistic of what your trying to do. Harmonically i think its rather boring apart from some areas. Its quiet bog standard chords structure throughout, i cant comment to much as i havent gone through the score that much but i think you have talent to do alot more with the harmonies. Also your structure is 'fluid' which im guessing is what your was trying to suppose. What i dont get is the now and the cymbal crashes. Im like that was not the climax!!!! because ive been listening to this build up in the low strings for minutes and all i get is maybe a bar or two with a symbal crash for realease. I really think you dont do it justice. Your obviously good with the build up but you need to spend more time on working on something memorable, that makes me sing it after or hum it. it doesnt have to be like a big melody, but i cant help but think ive listened to just section A after A after A, its preety much all the same music. Sorry for the bad critique i just think what youve shown here isnt a lack of compositional skills more to do with direction, emotion, iventivness, and think you should continue to work on this piece you probabaly think is done, but i dont think it is.