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DanJTitchener last won the day on September 30 2023

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About DanJTitchener

  • Birthday 02/22/1991

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  • Favorite Composers
    Mozart, Beethoven, Handel, Chopin, John Willliams, Howard Shore
  • My Compositional Styles
    Classical Period
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Sibelius 7
  • Instruments Played

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  1. Thanks Peter, appreciate the feedback. Oddly, the only intended quote was with the march, representing my grandparents: I quoted Bridge Over River Kwai! 😄 That is a fun tradition, I shall have to check them out. Did you have a favourite entry?
  2. Hi all - happy new year! Here is a little Christmas piece I wrote. Couldn't quite finish in time, but thought I'd share anyway! Would love to know your feedback. These are the sections I had in mind whilst writing the piece: 1) Lights on (first two bars) 2) Peaceful Morning 3) Realize it's Christmas! Stocking opening 4) Rest of family wake up (the waltz) 5) See the Grandparents (march) 5) Opening presents! (loud climax section) 6) Peaceful end
  3. Thanks for your kind feedback!
  4. Hi everyone, I've not been on here much recently owing to work and life, but I've been working on this piece where possible. Hope you all enjoy it but I'd love any feedback you might have! This is probably my last foray into "vanilla Classical" for a little while as I'd like to experiment a bit before returning to my "roots". I think this is successful, I put a lot of effort into overall structure, and thematic material - I think where it might be lacking is in textural variety. I didn't intend for a particularly virtuosic piano part and so I'm happy with the part the piano plays (intentionally the piece is very much shared between solo and orchestra, with the development intentionally where the two main themes sort of battle it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7E2UQ7fiKI I've had a little bit of fun with this video using free use videos, but attaching the score in case it is too difficult to follow the score closely on the video! Dan
  5. It's that last part of your answer which is the Great Unknown for me!
  6. I'd like to use a DAW someday but I'm very much a notation-first composer so I'd need to figure out how go from Sibelius to DAW...
  7. It sounds incredible, is that with a DAW then? All I do is write my scores and export the audio with Noteperformer for Sibelius, so I'm very intrigued how people create audio sounding this good
  8. Wow this is very cool, as it started I heard quite a bit of John Williams / Harry Potter in there but by the end I was very impressed. Is this a recording? If not, please tell me how this was made! Dan
  9. A successful experiment, then, in my view! Congrats It could be extended if you wrote an orchestral piece around these motifs and then used this as the solo cadenza perhaps? That'd be cool 🙂 Dan
  10. Sounds fun, I'm in (as long as I come up with anything I think is good enough!) 😊
  11. Hi! I've been away for a couple of months and thought I'd attempt a Christmassy-sounding piece, written for Clarinet, for it's cantabile qualities and - a new instrument for me compositionally - a guitar! I hope you enjoy it, not sure what it is... but if people get enjoyment out of it I might write for this set-up again. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas! 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxPnBN9wfLY
  12. Than Thanks for the feedback - yes, I do love the lower registers of the clarinet.
  13. Sounds kinda jazzy in second listen
  14. What can one say but.... Nevohteeb.
  15. Thanks for the heads up! I've not used that site before 🙂
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