I'm here just to give my personal opinion, fyi, cause I just started the whole composition gig. So please, take my advice with a grain of salt and cut it in half.
I like the instrumentation transitions within this piece; they're very smooth. I agree though, the clarinet rocks! It sounds fun to play, considering I'm a clarinet player. I like it especially that at some parts the strings are just there to enhance the winds and not totally dominate. I think it's really cool how you kept the feel of the piece, even when it got slow.
Okay, now I'm going to try to critique. The ending of this piece is neat, but I believe the introduction to the buildup here could be longer or more pronouced. This piece seems to drag and repeat at bit much for those who don't listen to this type of music much. To keep interest better, I suggest a longer ending.
Yes, I listened to it all and again, I'm new so bear with me.
Thanks and good luck,