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Zachh Tyler Mackey

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Zachh Tyler Mackey last won the day on January 12 2014

Zachh Tyler Mackey had the most liked content!

About Zachh Tyler Mackey

  • Birthday 05/02/1995

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    I attend UNCSA for Music Composition. I am a first year student.
  • Gender
  • Location
    Winston-Salem, North Carolina
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Composition, Drum Corps,
  • Favorite Composers
    Eric Whitacre, John Mackey, Bach, Beethoven
  • My Compositional Styles
    Film Scores, Modern, Contemporary
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Noteflight, Finale*
  • Instruments Played
    Trumept, Piano, Baritone, Clarinet, French Horn

Zachh Tyler Mackey's Achievements


Apprentice (3/15)

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  1. My full message is : I don't think live performances are really an option. There aren't many ways that could go about happening. However if that did happen I'd be way happy.
  2. I don't think live performances are really an option. There aren't many ways that could go about happening. However if that did happen I'd be way happy.
  3. Definitely agree. you need to be able to take critiques, but having a lack of support and verging on rude with your comments/critques in completely unnecessary. When a comment is rude and mocking, then it's not going to help the composer in any way. I defintiely think people need to have thick skin to go into an arts forum, and they need to be able to grasp that they are an amateur and this is amatuer advice. People just their amatuer advice and turn it into rude commentary that drives people away. Be harsh, but don't be a jerk.
  4. I beleive a severe problem for this website is not only the weak activity of it's memebers, but to those members who stick around can be harsh isntead of critical. I mean, saying thing slike "noobs who think they can actually compose" is not a way to address a YOUNG COMPOSER, aka this websites member basis. This website, to me, should be intended on getting young composers, who may be in either middle school to college levels, critiques, help, and motivation to continue. I know that the harshness of the memebrs is what turne dme away from the website at firt. Not that I didn't win a competition or even my placement. I beleive there a certain lack of professionalism in this amatuer composition forum that should change to more of a helpful and supportive role. Maturity first in your critiques. Now, to answer your questions: 1. I believe a bi-monthly competition is fine, with a STRICT schedule. Let them know the day it starts, and the day it ends because it shouldn't get clumped up, as it can cause timing issues for composers. 2. I like the idea of having 1 judge per entrant. I think you should have a sign up however, on a first come first serve basis of probably 6-8 entries. 3. Sign up should be in the competition forum i nthe current way it is. It seems very straight forward. 4. I think not, possibly just a separate forum ingeneral for people who wish to have critiques on pieces which I'm sure that exists. 5. A Standardized score seet is a must. 6. Idk 7. Yes. I know that from previous experience, people get very tense over score rpesenation, so I would make that very specific as well. 8. Yes, beginning of the next month is when the competion starts, and a deadline about 2 weeks before the end of the month, that way the judges have time to evaluate. A strict schedule is needed in my opinion. 9. I don't know of a possible reward system for an amatuer-composer forum other than what has been suggested already. Competition Ideas 1. Mythological people/places 2. Counterpoint 3. A piece limited to a given number of measures 4. Give a set of words and tell them to write a piece based off the words, and then explain how they used them to develo ptheir ideas (ex. puzzle: different instruments fitting together, instruments not fitting together, weaving melodic ideas, instrumental interplay, etc) 5. Dance 6. Chamber ensemble for an odd insturmentation (My university does this where they ask the comp students to write for a small ensemble with an odd isnturmentation, something like a bassoon, tenor sax, piccolo and f horn- just something weird and see wh owrites the msot successful piece) Hope I helped!
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