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Blenching Snail

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About Blenching Snail

  • Birthday 02/14/2002

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  • Location
    in a shell, 'pon a leaf
  • Occupation
    garden maintenance, although recently started a "slime business" from home. please buy some!
  • Interests
    eating cabbage, playing thy (my) xylophone, caring for thy (my again) children

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  1. Hey everyone, I was just wondering if you had any pieces you could recommend a snail to listen to for orchestra, which have very bombastic and loud, triumphant endings at the end of them!! There must be so many but I really want examples of those tremendous fortississississimo kitchen-sink major chords! Here are some examples from the little I know -- the final movement of Pines of Rome.... Alexander Nevsky entering Pskov....... hope you can help! Many thanks, and wishing you the very best for your studies, *slimy sig* - Blenching Snail
  2. Precious thanks be to you both who demonstrated a humbling compassion for a mere snail's woes..... I do find it extremely warming to the heart when lifeforms of such a divinely-graced caliber freely choose to care for Earth's 'underdogs' if you will (quite literally for us little snails!!!!!!) as it is so rare where I come from (the garden).... After what felt like an eternity (even for a snail) waiting for my Supersnail to appear, I became a helpless onlooker as the watering can containing my slug-wife was carried into The Shed by one of the human 'locals' for the night. The Shed is well known throughout the garden as a rather treacherous place for a 'creature of the grass' - human beings keep all their weapons of grass-destruction and various insecticides inside The Shed. Not only that but it is full of deviant insects and brooding characters who have chosen to live an alternative lifestyle of darkness .... I know some personally, though shan't be mentioning their names, for fear of any that may be posting under an 'alias' on these very forums. Though snails are slow and resigned in their movement .... their hearts are anything but!!!! And though it will probably take me a couple of years to get to The Shed I am beginning my journey TODAY and pray pray pray that my wife will still be 'where I left her' in the can (though preferably better off!!!!!!!!) when I reach The Shed. Over the next couple of years I shall be keeping ye all informed of this journey and your support in this matter would not be unwelcome, though understandable, considering my substantially lower-level ranking on the food chain. This post is in tribute to all folks in life who have found their convictions and the courage to follow them, *slimy signature* Blenching Snail
  3. Dearest Composers, both young AND old, (AND middle-aged.......), We all have a tendency to feel victim to external events sometimes. It just so happened that at the time of writing this number, my wife had taken a not-so-pleasant fall into a watering can, from which I took one half of a nervous breakdown, and began to blench without mercy........ I do hope ye shall find it cabbage to thine hungry ears!!! As always, the song is performed by the National Garden Orchestra of Joy for which I conducted & sang. Due to my inherently slow nature, my conducting abilities are somewhat speed-limited, hence the recording was made four times faster post-production. I do pray this will not be seen as "cheating" amongst the more prestigious members of the Young Composers community!!!!!!!! With all the verily best wishes for thine mental and physical healths, *Super Signature™* Blenching Snail
  4. A thoroughly enjoyable sound world! Thank you for sharing it with us. I rate it 'tongue-tingling pumpkin' on the Snaily Scale Of Vegetabular Justice. Rather than "The Nothing" to me, it sounds more like "The Everything" with all its different 'sound gardens'!! Though in its heart, I know it represents those unrelenting feelings of "The Nothing". It finishes as soon as it starts, like I had just opened a door into the head of a rather demented bumble bee - thoughts racing with a tragic romance, the stresses of work and his progressively worse psychotic episodes - and closed it just as promptly!!! What's more, the other tracks on your archive.org page were just as atmospheric, chaotic, and downright delicious.... See you soon! *slimy signature - includes free blenching snail action figure* Blenching Snail
  5. Your "Psalms" piece was like lettuce to my ears! The taste was delightful and it never got mouldy throughout my consumption of it - despite my snaily-like pace at such things. Well done and all the best, *photograph of slimy signature for you to keep* Blenching Snail
  6. Heavens above ! ! ! Thanks ever so much to ye all for your generous words; needless to say they are worth slightly less than a slime-inducing cabbage, but muchly appreciated nonetheless. Dear Kyle , you asked what 'equipment' and 'software' (I assume you mean soilware) was used in the making of this stuff, a question, which I would be glad to answer. The sections of the orchestra dwell in seperate Yorkshire
  7. Dearest composers of music sad, joyous & mercilessly indifferent, First off, apologies in unrelenting abundance for my recent absences from the Young Composers
  8. Hahaha ! Yes, quite - Blenching Snail
  9. Garth! I really enjoyed this. I think I enjoyed it because it was thoroughly enjoyable, especially the rhythms. Many thanks in advance for my bettered future, Blenching Snail
  10. Do you remember when I listened to this in the Shoutbox with thee? Yes, it was a fantastic time!! :musicwhistle: The piece is very exciting, and if it were to ever be performed live something tells me that with some tasteful lyrics in places, perhaps it could be even more so (exciting). The only thing I can think of as a suggestion would be that it is very "exciting" all the way through - there is hardly space for the audience to breathe!!!!! Well, I daren't say I speak on behalf of a human audience. Just a snail's point of view. Also, I can't decide if a fade out suits it or not.... You probably thought about this already though. There are some great moments, like the build up after the guitar solo, and at 2:12, yes, I liked that bit. From your mollusc friend, *slimy signature* Blenching Snail
  11. Nine Dewdrops Nine was a very lovely piece. I will be spreading the word about you through my village! Blenching Snail
  12. You must forgive me, for at first I thought this was called New York, not new work!!!! I would agree with the meaning of life; it feels slightly disconnected, but nonetheless the different sections are lovely by themselves. Try to develop your ideas out more, and add little "hints" to those same ideas everywhere! Best wishes for your charming future as a composer, *slimy sig* Blenchy
  13. Hello! Thank you for having the courage to post your piece for us, speaking of which I will now give a small review. It's lovely! Yours sincerely, Blenching Snail............ Hehe!! I'm only joking of course. I wouldn't post one that short! Your piece has an interesting subject (I mean the film bit) and I think the music would fit well. I don't think the gong is too distracting, but there might be a bit too much. Perhaps some orchestral cymbals could be used instead, and the gong could be used for a couple of extra special moments!! After all, the gong is an extra special instrument. Perhaps the speech could go like this, "Men. Women. Ogres. The time has come. We must take back the marshlands - the MOTHERLAND!! Take no prisoners. Have no mercy. Take a packed lunch. Have a banana for extra nutrients. And then rip off their faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Please excuse my aggresive tendancies. *slimy signature* Blenching Snail
  14. First off may I say it is a privilege to talk with a Lord such as yourself! Please excuse my informality; let's get to your charming song.... It is certainly fast paced, in fact much faster than I can travel, but I think you're right when you say it needs something else to make it more intense for a boss fight. Perhaps more bass, like a slap bass instead of an acoustic bass, and much louder too!! I would be inclined to make the drums louder too, though not necessarily the cymbals. This would be my snaily preference. See if that helps at all. Perhaps you have too many "high-pitched" instruments also, but I do not know what kind a boss this is; it might be a little mouse on tip-toes, which would be very good indeed!! Take care, *more slime has arrived - all is well* Blenching Snail
  15. To superSongstress: thank you for protecting me. Your kindness is appreciated, as well as your courage. To zephyrclaw: thank you for your extremely generous words of encouragement, although I was highly distraught when you said, and I quote, "stay the hell away from my cabbages. P.S. Or else. SALT." this upset me a great deal!!!!!!!!! of course, I am only fooling you. I am a frivolous snail! I understand that you love cabbages too and I would never take that away from you... it hurts... sigh.... I digress. Pain of the past has embraced me as of this moment, and I fear I cannot continue, but alas I will not blench this time, I shall "brave the weather" as they say. You asked about what "software" or as I like to call it, "soilware" I used in the making of my little song. Suffice to say, there was no use of soilware this time. The strange acoustics may be due to the abundance of flowerpots, although I am unsure in all honesty. You also enquired about how the orchestra plays the instruments - well, the National Garden Orchestra of Joy attracts all sorts of little critters, either as the performers or as the instruments themselves!! For example, there are a family of three ladybirds who take the liberty of being the timpani. Garden reknown conductor and music enthusiast, Stick-Insect Icarus leads the orchestra. I hope this paints a delightful picture (unfortunately I am not talented at artwork hence I cannot paint for you)! *slimy signature* Blenching Snail
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