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Marc Deflin

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Marc Deflin last won the day on May 29 2021

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Paris, France
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Finale, Reaper
  • Instruments Played
    Guitar (flamenco mostly), organ, flute, and starting with violin

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  1. @Thatguy v2.0 great piece ! Did you end up with this girl ? 😉
  2. @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu @Thatguy v2.0 I checked it out : it's a great piece indeed, very peaceful and inspiring 🙂
  3. Hi @Thatguy v2.0 Unfortunately I dont compose for flamenco guitar, I just improvise 🙂 If you're in the mood you can check my Youtube Channel here (only improvisations up there) : Marc Deflin's Youtube guitar channel Have a nice day 🙂 Marc
  4. Hi @PeterthePapercomPoser 🙂 You're right, this piece hasn't a structured thematic writing. It's more a flaw surging out of my head (heart ?) along writing. My favorite piece for orchestra, I'd say Beethoven's violin concerto (very thematic piece 😉). Regarding symphonies, the first that cames to my mind is Beethoven's 2nd movement of the 7th. But I wouldn't aim to write a similar piece. Thanks for your thoughts, it's useful. Best regards 🙂 Marc
  5. Hi 🙂 I present you here my 7th study for string quartet. There are more obvious theme structure in it, but also, and I hope that @PeterthePapercomPoser won't resent me to much for this, you'll see parallel octaves in it (see other post Study for string quartet #6). It's rather gentle and composed in a happy mood 🙂 Also, you'll see playback marks on the score (for audio) : I hope this won't bother you to much if you read it. Regards, Marc
  6. Hi all 🙂 Thanks for your constructive replies, it's always a pleasure to see that some people do take time to review your music. The dissonance between A and Ab at measure 4 is a bare mistake, didn't even see it... My bad 🙂 I'm mostly an improvisator (on my flamenco guitar) and developed this skill in order not to became too much cerebral while composing. This means I want my music to stay connected to emotion (without it to be too much untamed). But I recognize I might lack some theory basis sometimes, hearing what I'll compose more than thinking about it. Maybe analyzing more scores or something would be of use, I don't know 🙂 Just finished my 7th study for string quartet. I wrote it before reading your reviews, so I hope you won't resent seeing some... parallel octaves in it 😄 Once again thank you very much. Regards, Marc
  7. Hi 🙂 Here's the 3rd and last movement of my 3rd symphony. It's in G minor, and I put some chose dissonances inside, no harm wished to your ears 😉 Have a nice day 🙂
  8. Hi Forum 🙂 Here's, after a long time away from composing, a short study for string quartet in C minor. Hope you'll like it 🙂 Regards
  9. Hi @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu and thanks for this new review. In b.29 the aim is indeed that the sound be quite dry. In b.41 is the tone clash of F# and F isn't intentional, I fixed it. In b.53 I like your idea of "having the G major tragically conquered", I'll think about such features in the future. About the ending clarinet, the way it sounds in the audio rendering is fine for me... 3rd and last movement upcoming in a few days/weeks. Thanks again 😉 Marc
  10. Hi forum, You'll find below the second movement of my third symphony (1st movement in another previous post). Have a nice day 🙂
  11. Hi @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu, Firstable, thanks for granting me so much of your time as it appears you did a quite attentive analysis of my work. About tritones, might be, I've got no academic training in writing, so sometimes I do some little mistakes 🙂 This movement may also lack structure, but it's the way it was born progressively in some quite agitated nights. The clashes between G and F# are intentional ; I regret you not appreciating them maybe the way I do. Orchestration is not perfect, I agree, especially for the clarinet solo, which questioned me about "adequate support" from the orchestra, as you say. Thanks for the arco marking missing 😉 Don't worry, there's no discouragement upcoming, those are just the little pains of growing towards better music 🙂 Have a nice day
  12. Hi 🙂 I present you the first movement of my new symphony ; hope you'll like it. https://on.soundcloud.com/zctEc
  13. @VovaTrykoz nice piece ! Great orchestration and writing : sounds awesome. Somewhere between concert and ambient music 🙂
  14. Thanks for reviewing @danishali903 I was aware of the material's going widely in G major, I just didn't mind letting a C minor key signature, as it's the main tonality of the whole symphony. Laziness ? 😉 I dont get you about the B natural in bassoon at 96 : the vertical harmony there is in full G major, except the E flat at double bass coming at 97, put here to let a - to be resolved - tension with the main C minor key (tension to which participate the F sharp at flute/E flat at oboe coming also at 97). Doesn't sound odd to my hear, but maybe that's matter of taste. I agree with you on my writing for wind's needing more polish. Overall thanks for your advices 🙂
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