Hello everybody.
I just downloaded the trial version of Sibeluis 7 and am trying to get my head around it. I've got the basics down but there is a problem that I am having difficulty with. I have been searching for a solution to this problem all day to no avail but I did come across this forum in my search so I thought it would be a good idea to sign up and ask my question directly, which I've never done before. I've usually always managed to find the answer by searching, but never-the-less, her I am.
So my problem is this:
I am an Ocarina player (ye know, the one from Zelda). I am new to this instrument and am still learning to play it properly. In an attempt to better understand sheet music I tried looking for some easy songs to play, but they were often out side of my ocarina's range. So I acquired the trial version of Sibelius 7 and transposed the song. It was within my range now, but, as I do not understand key signatures yet, I was would not of been able to play the song unless the accidentals were put in. Now, I know that in the time it took me to find out a way to add them in automatically, I could of put them in manually 1000 times over, but I wanted to know for future reference.
TL;DR Is there a way in Sibelius 7 to automatically add in the accidentals to match the key signature?
Thanking you,