Like most composers, I listen to a lot of music, and study a lot of scores. Frequently I'm dissatisfied with my material and that can be a real block to my composition, but when I am productive, I find the music I produce ends up sounding extremely similar to pieces by other composers. Of course, I like to take ideas and imitate other composers, but when I actually have a piece come together, I realize it sounds very similar to a piece I admire from another composer. I tend to hope that as I keep revising and tweaking that it will become my own, but I'm often bothered by the fear that the listener will say "That's a rip off of Piece X!" It isn't intentional on my part -- it just seems to happen.
Does this happen to anyone else? If so, what do you do about it? Do you scrap it, try to make enough changes to reduce the similarity, or just run with it and let the chips fall where they may?