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Michel Godel

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About Michel Godel

  • Birthday 03/31/1993

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    I am a young composer. I've already written three pieces for orchestras that you can find on youtube or in my files.
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  • Interests
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Sibelius and Harmony Assistant
  • Instruments Played

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Michel Godel's Achievements


Explorer (4/15)

  • Seven Years in
  • Five Years in
  • Six Years in
  • Four Years in
  • Eight Years in

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  1. my work "From Byzantium to Istanbul" will be played at the Stravinsky Auditorium in Montreux next week during the "Septembre musical" festival :D

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    1. Michel Godel

      Michel Godel


  2. Thanks ! It's exactly what I wanted ;)
  3. Hello everyone ! I have just begun a piece on Sibelius 7 including a drums part. What I was wondering is: is it possible to change the drum sound related to the high of the written note ? I mean, for exeample, the snare drum is "par défaut" on the D, but I'd like to change it on the B (like the drumer I know and who will play my piece is used to). I used Harmony Assistant before and it was very simple to change it... Thanks a lot !
  4. reading the book "Musicophilia" from Oliver Sacks about music and the brain : very interesting !

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    1. pateceramics


      Is it any good? I love Oliver Sacks in interviews, but the only one of his books I ever read, I couldn't get past the writing. (I think it was his first book).

    2. Michel Godel

      Michel Godel

      Yes, I am actually a bit disappointed about his writing and also about the structure of the book. He exposes a lot of different patients with neurological problems all in relation with music, but I would have liked him to talk about less patients and to go deeper in the explanation, the analysis, etc. Because here I find he goes too fast with each neurological problem, I don't know how it was with the book you've read. Nevertheless, I've learned about a lot of interesting things a...

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM1WfitzkhQ just posted my latest composition "A Riverside Fantasy : fantasy on an electro theme" on youtube ! Give me some review please ;)
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  6. Just came back from an amazing tour in South of Italy with the Orchestre du Collège de Genève where we played my composition "From Byzantium to Istanbul" in divine places, such as the Festival of Ravello ! :):)

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  7. http://youtu.be/b6dovCF561k Here is a fully new ILLUSTRATED version of my symphonic poem FROM BYZANTIUM TO ISTANBUL !! come to see and give me some review ;)
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  8. So exited : my latest composition "A Riverside Fantasy (fantasy on a electro theme)" is just about to be created by the CMgOrchestra on Sunday !!!

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