Thanks so much for taking the time to write as much as you did! I spent many hours carefully reading what you wrote and i think i I really gained some insights. I have got my hands on a copy of "Harmony and Voice Leading" which I'll be studying.
I understood most of what you were saying but just some questions:
1. Re bar 3 you say " in the absence of the fifth, the ear would interpret this as I6 over iii ". Does this apply to other chords to or just I6 and iii for example would you head V6 over viio?
2. In Bar 4 you say " Furthermore, the accented augmented fourth, while having an acceptable downward resolution, is too on the nose, " which notes are you referring to?
3. What do you mean by what larger harmonic progression do they represent? Could you please give an example of a harmonic progression they could represent? It seems a bit to me that because of the nature of counterpoint harmonies change constantly throughout a measure. Is it ok to have a I - V - I progression in opening bars just to establish the key? I imagine any harmonic progression is acceptable as long as there is logic to it? What is typical? What sounds good?
4. Re first 4 bars how do you achieve a point of closure (V-I cadence????) and why is it important to have this?
5. Re: unprepared 7ths in measure 5. How are they supposed to be prepared? I assume the 7th must be approached by step? Will do some research on this :)
6.Could you please explain how in C maj invention M3 closes on tonic. I see it ending on an f in the upper voice and a b in the lower voice? I understand what you mean if you begin on the sub dominant of the new key then it will sequence naturally and lead to this new key. Excellent. I like that :)
7. Re: Quantz' maxim does Bach not use in Invention 1 bars 3 and 4 four sequences?
8. Should cadences be PAC or IAC or does it just depend what you want?
Thanks a lot for all your help, really appreciate it. I'm going to rewrite this. Perhaps it will have a new motive or similar motive but I'll just try and do essentially rewrite something similar in style but with your suggestions. Through doing this i hope it is easy to see if I have improved.
Thanks again!