Just a thing that can happen to all of us, tousand and none ideas, and nothing comes from any of it. Every idea being discarded as crap. Take a walk, get away from it all, stop the 'I must have a good idea' thoughts. Let the wind blow through. Don't use alcohol, you'll only get a headache. A joint might relax you.
Usually there is some problem in the background to be solved that keeps you from having inspiration. Make time to solve that and everything will come back. During my teaching at the academy I had once a student who always had 5 or 6 ideas when it came to assignments, she sometimes had more than one executed.Then at one time she came up with little, When it was time to submit the assignment she came up with ... nothing. So unlike her. We had along talk in the academy's lounge, somewhere in the back of her head she had the idea that her parents were breaking up. I advised her to take sometime off and talk to her parents. Two months later she returned to the academy and was again bursting with ideas. I had these times aswell, dont push yourself, relax, nobody dies from lack of ideas, go to a museum, read a book, see a movie, talk to friends. Good luck!