We invite composers of all ages from around the world to write a new piece exploring “Water” as a theme. Many composers, from Handel to Debussy to John Luther Adams, have become known for their exquisite musical depictions of water – now it’s your turn!
Entry Deadline: 8 pm EDT Sun 4/2/17
Genre: Classical
Orchestration – Any instruments: solo or chamber music in any combination
Max Length: 4 minutes
Theme: Water
Required: MP3 + Full Score (no parts) and completed MusicWiz.club Profile
First prize – Public Voting: $50 plus listing in the winners' box
Second prize – Public Voting: $25 plus listing in the winners' box
Third prize – Public Voting: Listing in the winners' box
Staff Pick: $75 plus listing in the winner’s box
BONUS – CONSIDERATION FOR PERFORMANCE: Reviewers will include professional performers, who may choose one of your pieces for performance. Please write pieces that real people can play on real instruments!
You’re welcome to enter orchestral pieces, which will be eligible for public voting, but if you would like your piece to be considered for performance, only chamber groups of 5 instruments or less will be considered.
Detailed instructions on entering are found at http://musicwiz.club/ontime-2017-water-news/
Good luck to everyone!