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About NiceyMcNice

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  • Interests
    classic, jazz, electronical music, paintings, drawings , animation,predictiv artificial intelligence
  • Favorite Composers
    random titles from uncountable creative artits <3,avishai cohen,shostakovich,weather report,carl orff, prokofiev, charles mingus, john coltrane, brahms, bach, tchaikovski, rimsky korsakov, aram khatchaturian, glass, mahler
  • My Compositional Styles
    best case: you can recognize some random influences
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    sibelius 7
  • Instruments Played
    Saxophone, violin

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  1. This sounds easy and without pressure still pretty straight forward. For me it also forces me a bit more into the "one should also be able to play it" direction, which is definitly something i should be more aware of aswell i think ! i will try this, thanks alot 👍
  2. @PaperComposer i am very happy you like it - and even see the potential to further develope this material. The idea of continue with this piece makes me a bit nervous tho , since i have a great struggle to find an adequat form / cadence / ABC part to stay in a "consequent / logical" or at least comprehensible flow. In this piece i find the mood (as beautiful it might be at times) is dead and i need something new refreshing. Most of the time i then simply make a strong cut, but maybe i also can develope and in fact its far from dead 🤔 do you know a method for getting back in touch with a "finished" piece in a spontanous, open mind? 🙂 i am very curious what might rise from this , since i declared it finished and i now kinda out of my comfort zone thanks again for your interest and kind words! have a nice day
  3. Thank you very much for your warm welcome and your offer and interest! I absolutely see your point . There is alot of knowledge easily accessible . i will certainly try to do this on my own, also to keep some "indiviual understanding". I feel honored you expect me to have much success working through masterpieces tho. I had struggle in the past because i was missing orientation what to focus on and how to understand what i am actually seeing and hearing. So to make my original post more precise: maybe a better way of putting my goal is something like a "Mentor", who provides me some guidance, e.g. with a "template" (from a maestro) for a concrete piece i am currently working on, and then i can understand through doing and comparing. (that was my unsproken intention when posting the 2 fragments 😉 ) yes the easier the better ! I would like start as basic as possible. E.g. A great learning experience was, when a friend of mine gave me a task like: Write a 3/4 dance with 8 bar motif and only with basic chords (C,Am,Dm,D,G,G7,Em,F) or something along those lines. And at that point it suddenly was so easy and fun to work because everything shrinked to simple decisions in a "little" space of possibilities. (still alot of freedom) SO All in all , this is a good and nescessary step . Important advice! But is there the possibility of regular exercises (many others might benefit aswell)? Maybe it makes sense to found a Subforum for it? Many thanks to you, Jo
  4. Nice . i really like the mood . with the harmonica at the beginning it could definitly be sountrack to a Western (sunset and so on .. 🙂 )
  5. Hello everyone, I am a "hobby-musician", which enjoys writing some melodies from time to time. Even tho i have basic understanding and some ear experience, i struggle strongly with every technical aspect of composing. At the moment i reworked an old Project of a never finished Sonata. It just came naturally to be for Cello (just from the melody i guess?). So I sit down with different fragments , which i like but which also arent really connected. Usually i just have a completely new "genius" idea and there never is a real "developement"...which at times feels like lucky strikes and most of the time simply frustrating and overwhelming. then i recently re-discovered this beautiful composer-plattform. And since i am again impressed by the amount of high quality music and insightful discussions , i thought this might be the place to ask for help .... is it? i ask here for quite alot, since it is so general, so we can just focus on one of the following questions Get a feeling for Forms and how close i should follow them (i have difficulties to follow rules , in general) Get a feeling of motif identities: rhythm / melody / harmony / direction of movement / expectations etc.. Get a feeling of the glue, transitions, breaking the rules Get a feeling of instrumentation, a feeling if a written line is "lived out / real" music, which can actually be played and enjoyed (especially from the artist). hundred other things... Many thanks in advance , have a good day, Jo
  6. Hey nice work! i am really impressed by the amount of time you must have put into this! there is alot of material which i really enjoyed listening to. Because i neither play any of those instruments nor am i a composer i cant give you detailed judgement. just some thoughts: mvt.1 : are these right hand arpeggios in the piano practially and / or enjoyable to play for so many bars ? additionally, even tho i really like the structure it provides , it sometimes feels uncomfortable dense and eating all the space. Maybe this is just a virtual playback thingy. mvt.2: i like this simple motif but just for my taste it needs contrast earlier than measure 79 and also "a bit more Dur-like" (like in 79-82.. But then the violin answers and brings it back into a mood, which is at least in my perception very similar to the 79 bars before this.) mvt.3: man, this is wonderful! i think you hit some sweet spot with how this trio complement each other. all have important things to say. also i had the feeling this had the cleanest form of all movements. Thanks for sharing! i will probably listen to this some more in the next days. Looking forward for more. Chears
  7. Hello there! This is one of the rare pieces, which i can relate to as finished. i am pretty much self-taught without any set task for this one. therefore, there is not much theoretical background/thought process in this piece, other than my hearing experience. As you might notice, i have a weak spot for pathos - i hope you can enjoy it anyways. I am curious what you people think! 🙂
  8. also some older project, time to continue ! many changes going to take place to figure out a clean line, any feedback is welcome
  9. Some stuff i am working on for ages already... feeling like i have to still searching for an appropriate form and the tools to make those motifs breath as they deserve. Maybe i should split some motifs into seperate pieces? Thanksful for any input :)
  10. some random stuff i wrote the other day...hope you enjoy
  11. i dont think this fits into "chamber music"...
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