More like which school/composers launched the melodic style. Most particularly I'm seeking help on understanding the stylistic origins of their rhythmic characteristics. That includes phrasing, references to physical motions, etc...
Here are the features I have observed:
Their phrases are like stately declamations, and have dynamic in them. Speech based music from the Baroque for example tend to lack forward momentum, and wander around hither tither.
They seem to self-perpetuate, chains of phrases that don't hit cadences.
You get the result of "easy listening", because the melody has inertia within it that carries the listener along. (the listener just "cruises along" like a toboggan ride)
Pieces that largely embody all of the above can be found in scattering frequency from the past, one pavana here and an odd air there. Even then I'm not sure if that is because of accident (i.e they didn't appear that way to their contemporaries)
I'll look up more on the Verismo style that you mentioned above.