I am a 33 year old secondary music educator. I have two BA in music (Vocal Music Performance/ General Music, Secondary Music Education Choral/ General). I have long had a desire to compose, and always find it difficult to notate my thoughts correctly. Looking for any advice, suggestions or just overall help with making my ideas come to life.
Newburgh, IN. USA
Secondary General Music/ Choral Music Educator
Music, music and more music! Film scoring, theatre/ acting, photography
Favorite Composers
Beethoven, Stravinsky, Rutter, J. Bassi, E. Goldenthal
My Compositional Styles
Umm... Don't have a style.. I like dark music, I tend to write in the key of dm frequently. I have composed pieces using a simple Dorian Mode chant style and integrated modern sound effects for a nice, haunting sound.
Notation Software/Sequencers
I have none and would love advice where to get some and what would be the best value.
I am fairly new to composition. I have been using muse score for a few years, first when in grad school for a couple projects and recently started using it for studying composition and putting thoughts to page. My issue is the sound fonts that my laptop uses. Horrible midi sounds! I have had people here tell me they can't decipher anything about my music because it is midi. They have asked why I don't use real sounds? Where can I find real sounds? I honestly do not know what I am doing and don't know where to start. Could anyone please help me? I would really appreciate it!
I use Musescore most of the time, actually all of the time. At the time, I don't have a lot of extra money so free is good. The only issue I have is I don't have a good program for posting realistic play backs.