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Olov last won the day on November 13 2021

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About Olov

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    Stockholm, Sweden
  • Occupation
    Music Teacher
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  • Favorite Composers
    Palestrina, Josquin Des Prez, Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Steve Reich
  • My Compositional Styles
    Neo-classical, Renaissance
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  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Electric bass

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  1. It's an expression used in anything creative, like being a writer, composer, whatever. There are certain characters, ideas, or phrases we love to use in the creative material ever so often, it's also comfortable. But sometimes it's better to "Kill your darlings" in order to explore something new. Which is what you talked about
  2. Oh sorry! I thought you wrote me about using fourths, but that was in the top of the thread, and not something you replied to. My bad
  3. @Left UnexplainedOh definitely. I also need to work on putting in more thirds in my own works, since I mostly use sixths.
  4. Hello! I liked this piece! And yes, that motif was something that grabbed my attention really quick 😄 - I know the motif from Super Mario Bros 3 - I think it is when the magic whistle/flute is used (maybe Koji Kondo reused the motif on Zelda?). It is not nearly as noticeable on the second occurence in measure 9, perhaps because it's played in a lower octave. Maybe you could just change some detail in the beginning of measure 5, like the descending notes? Also the note A in measure 7 felt like it was not fitting with the harmonics, maybe try something more diatonic there?
  5. Hey! I really like this piece. Love the harmonies all over, and the staccato rhythm of the first bars. And it's a good exercise to kill your darlings once in a while! I should do exercises like this myself MP3 Play / pause fourths exercise 0:00 0:00 volume > next menu fourths exercise > next MP3 Play / pause fourths exercise 0:00 0:00 volume > next menu fourths exercise > next
  6. Olov


    Love this equilibristic writing. Very high quality work, I was thrown into an adventure! It would be nice to hear this in a live performance. One day I hope to have the same confidence as a composer.
  7. Really nice piece! The harmonic progression and the voice leading really appealed to me, and that is the strength of the song, and also the rythmic texture. I see that you both begin and end with the tonic in the first part of the piece, maybe you could try having a cadence to the dominant before the repeat? From the middle of the piece, you might want to vary it a little bit. Maybe switch up the melody, so that it has another tonal center. Or you can modulate to something more remote, which can serve the purpose of variation as well. Or you can try experimenting with range, like have the melody or bass line an octave above or below. Again, a very pleasant piece! Nice work
  8. Perhaps experiment with more different harmonics, going to the subdominant or other functions. I see that the melody lingers mostly on the fifth, which is fine but you could vary that one as well, like go up in the last bars, and start on a lower pitch, like the third or even the root note. I like that the B section is in a major key, but it needs variation as well. Maybe one way to go is to modulate to the f major in the B-section as a color change, since F major is related to D minor (D minor would be considered the tonic parallel of F major)
  9. The melody works very well, it works fine except maybe m 24 where the rhythm could use a little more work. Some phrases also repeat the same notes with or without the same rhythm and the ending notes could need some more variation, like 19, 20, 22 the phrases all end in A, perhaps you should consider varying these; having one end in the third, one on the fifth and the final on the root note or something like that. The rhythmic and polyphonic texture of the parts is mostly okay but the piece may need to change harmonics in some places. It could be in the bass line or the middle part. Good luck
  10. I just love the main theme and the way the jumps in octaves and staccatos between cello and flute - for example m 11, nice shift in rhythm there. Quirky and fun piece
  11. Hello, Papageno! What a nice, delightful piece of music. I enjoyed it very much! There's something about the meter I was thinking about; m 9-14 and 59-64, to me it feels like the piece is jumping to 4/4 a little bit, and I guess it has to do with the bassline in m. 10 and 13, and the second time m 60, 63 where (if I remember correctly) the tonic falls on the second beat - and also the following descending line in the end of the same measure adds to that "feeling of 4/4" if you will. That is just my viewpoint. I have a suggestion on the image file I uploaded, I hope I'm not being too rude messing around with notes in your piece. Anyway I really like your music
  12. Thanks for all of your input! I decided to keep some of my old ideas, after some weighing back and forth. But I also appreciate your views, some of which I took into consideration. I though it would be easier to tie m 11-18 differently because I think it's more readable coupling notes that way.
  13. It just sound so good. Interesting setting with three strings and a clarinet - they blend together nicely. The melody in the clarinet, the string accompaniment, very tasteful, soft and airy - I feel cultivated. I like the harmonics. What software are you using for audio? The ending seems a little abrubt, like something more is coming. Maybe you intended that feeling? Anyway, other than that I can't find anything weak with this piece.
  14. Personally I felt 1 and 4 are the strongest ones, harmonically and melodically. Nr 1 feels like something that could be a "main part" so to speak. Like an A-part to come back to later. And nr 4 is a good side-theme to follow up with, because the structure is so different it will fit as a contrasting section. Good ideas, and interesting to see how this rondo will turn out in the end. Good luck
  15. What I like about this tune is the small rhythmic motifs in the different instrument parts, and I just love the bass ostinato - as a bass player I listen a lot to bass lines. Interesting instrument setup also. Could some of the parts be fleshed out so that the parts may be more distinguishable? Like have horn part sustain a note while the flute plays the lead, and vice versa - at least at some parts of the song. Just an idea. I like this song, it's fun
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