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About arniszt

  • Birthday 08/21/1990

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  • Location
    balaguer, lleida. SPAIN
  • Interests
    I'm 15 years old. I like to play the piano but i prefer to compose. My compositions are inspirated in Rachmaninoff, Chopin and Liszt.

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  1. Hi Artisimo, I've listened to your pieces and I've watched your scores. I like more the leak than the 1st runner. I think they're both a little repetitive. If you considere them studies it's good but as a pieces they would be better if you put some different things. The leak has different things, voices and dialogs but the accompainment is always the same. But by the way, good job!
  2. I have a elecrtic piano. A Clavinova. You can connect it with a special connect. It's called LX-10 midi I think. I have it and I connect the connections in to the out, and the out to the in. I've installed the drivers to the computer. But I haven't got any program to get the songs I have in the piano. Has anybody explain me what I have to do to extract the songs? I've looked in the manual but it just said how I can connect the connections. Thanks
  3. For me the 3 best piano concertos are Chopin's first piano concerto, Saint saens piano concerto (i don't know the number but it's the most knowed) and Rachmaninnoff the second.
  4. sorry people!! I don't pot the velocity well. It's too slow here is the real version. don't download the previous. download this please! The_Spider__s_Web.MID estudi.mid
  5. Hey guys! I've opened a new topic beacause i've done a new composition. It's an etude and it's called "the sixths etude". It's in g minor but it isn't finished, yet. I'll put a slow theme in the central part and then the reexposition. Sorry, but the school has begin and i haven't got time to compose, so sorry if my etude has come too late. Enjoy it, and put your opinions PLEASEEE! Sf.MID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- arniszt@hotmail.com estudi.mid
  6. good work I like it. It's simple but beatiful and it has a bit of magic. :P
  7. Hi Matusaleo! Thank you for your titles. I like "fantasy" as a title, but an etude wouldn't be bad. What do you think if I put just "prelude"? Ok, to Matusleo and the other people. Here I've put a extended version of my "composition1". Its lenght is about 2'37'' The new part is in minute 1'30'' to 2'30'' Enjoy it, and coment it too. farewell.mid preludi_composition1extended.mid
  8. Hi Keydratus! I've listened you soul_sample and i think it's very good. now i'm trying to download your clip. I'd be pleased if you could tell us how do you record the CD and do the webpage and all of this? Have you done it for yourselve or is there a record company or somebody? Do you win a lot of dollars or money for de CD? Thank you! (Excuse me for my English)
  9. Hi soupinmyhair! I'm interested in your composition but it's in Finale and I can't download it. If you could save it as a midi file I'll be able to hear it. Thank you :P
  10. Oh thank you for your comments! ProgRhys. For your information it's playable 100%. :P It's difficult with the octaves in the right hand but I play it in the piano. I'll put early the scores if there's any who wanted to try them.
  11. Hi everybody. I've decided to post the second part of my composition. It's the desenvolupation of the composition1 first theme. I've changed the right hand to a spirited and strong melody. At the ending of the composition i've put a "coda" wich is a bit faster. The recording's been done with sibelius as midi file so it isn't much good... Untitled.MID I'm waiting for the titles! I'll early put my first etude. I think it's very good but i will try to put it in the post when i finish it. Bye composicio2.mid
  12. Hi Rob, I've listened your compositions and I think they are good. But I think they're too repetitive (especially the "theme"), mechanic, tiresomely insistent and monotonous. It doesn't mean they're bad but i think you should try to combine melodhic and rythimic passages making a well-balanced piece. I hope you want to do majestous and very powerful sound but i think it'd be much better to put some melodic and less powerful passages. (Excuse me for my English if you don't understand something)
  13. Hi Wolf! I'm very very happy to read your post. it was my first post here and just in one hour i've received one "reply"! Ok so, i'll give some more details about my composition. I've done it this summer. I'm a little sad because I've spent too much time on this composition and i haven't finished it yet. The first theme is the desenvolupation of the brief introduction 3/4. One of the keys of this piece is de resolution VI to V. It remember me spanish-sonority. So i tried to develop this brief introduction. Following the left accompainment i did a melody more rythmic than melodic. I did the culminating point and then, in the left hand, a reminder of the theme. After this, there's the reexposition and a second ending that take you in a new theme. I like a lot the second theme because is a bit more fast and the particularity of it is that the melody is all done over A (and a bar of g). Then i change the mood to misterious progression of quints and then it goes another time to the previous A theme.( In the sibelius recording i think the transition of the first to the second theme it's too precipitated but if you performe it for yourselve it becomes a bit more beautiful.) Finally to say is that I will put early the second part of the composition and i expect that you will like it.
  14. Hi, I'm Arnau. The first thing i want to say is excuse for my english because i'm spanish and i don't speak it very well. So i'll start: I'm composing a piano piece (i haven't finished it yet) and i'd want to give some titles for my composition. I don't know much what is for example a serenade, or a impromtu... so please put your ideas in this post and your opinions of my composition, too. thanks This is the song: BONUS.MID My composition, is a easy and simple piece. I think it's romanthic style. At the moment, i'm developing the reexposition of the first theme and it's much better than the beggining. I haven't wanted to put it here because i prefer to finish all the theme. In some days, in some weeks or maybe, in some months i'll put all the composition. And it's all. I'm waiting for you opinions and some good titles. composition1.mid
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