It's the late baroque/classical sound that I end up writing, and I'm looking for anything that, quite frankly, isn't that. I really like how unique (but similar in style) Beethoven's sonatas are. My personal favorites (in major keys, that is) are 16, 24, 28 and 29, if that helps give some kind of direction.
I really like structure: having a motif, and playing around with it, but my problem lies mainly in that fact that the melodies I end up writing sound very 'generic' (see above definition). What can I do to give them a more late classical/romantic feel without turning into Debussy (I mean no disrespect to the guy and obviously people loved what he wrote, but it seems too arbitrary to me)?
I want to have something 'Grand' and 'Energetic', or 'Cheerful' (Scherzo), or 'Bold', or generally not 'Sad/Depressing/Angry/Dramatic/Solemn/Minor'. Are there books I need to read? Is there some piece of information I just missed out on that everybody else got?