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About Jian

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    Sydney Australia
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  • Interests
    Hymns, baroque music
  • Favorite Composers
    JS Bach
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, recorder

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  1. Can you give an example of measure is broken?
  2. The two websites serve different purposes. https://www.music-chords.com/ is good for learning chord progressions.
  3. In what ways can CSound help composition?
  4. For example, in https://musescore.com/fourscoreandmore/i-annotations-4th >> bar 7, C leaps to F (interval of 4th). If dissonant leaps are not allowed, why then a leap of 4th is allowed?
  5. In counterpoint, are dissonant leaps (interval 4) allowed in a counterline? I thought the following are the rules: 1. Consonant leaps allowed. 2. Dissonant leaps not allowed. Only neighboring and passing dissonance allowed.
  6. Are there online SATB studying groups, in which a mentor provides learning materials, and the members can submit their works for corrections?
  7. This is a beautiful work. The recording is from the choir performance, not from any DAW or VST, isn't it?
  8. I had a look at the user manual http://www.soundsonline.com/symphonic-choirs. It requires PLAY 6 installed (WordBuilder runs inside PLAY 6, p30). It will take hours to get familiar with building the words. Not to mention starting using it. Listening to the samples on their website, I can't hear the lyrics clearly. It is more like mumbling. A competing product is Requiem Choir from 8Dio, which is $498, and it requires Komtakt 5.8 or later.
  9. Is the EastWest Symphonic Choirs suitable for SATB as well, or are there better alternatives?
  10. Which notation/DAW software did you use for EW Choir? Would you mind to shed some light on which notation/DAW software is easier to work with the EW Choir? Thanks.
  11. Both DAWs and NotePerformer 3 produce their end products. Guess you were trying to say that DAWs' end products (spend hours and hours on it) are better than the ones from notation software plugins.
  12. But Musescore doesn't have the capability to produce the choir singing I guess.
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