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EmperorWeeGeeII last won the day on August 8 2016

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About EmperorWeeGeeII

  • Birthday 07/17/1998

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  • Favorite Composers
    Rachmaninoff, Satie, John Williams, Mahler, Jeremy Soule, Beethoven
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  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Drums

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  1. Haha yeah! This is a bit old. Now that I think of it, i've never actually done my combo. Bassoon and Melodica. Oh dear.
  2. Like a bassoon duo? :p
  3. Good renditions Luis and ludeart!
  4. Haha, sounds good man!
  5. Evenin'! Its been a while since i've been here. Good to be back and also surprised they changed the look of the site. I thought i'd throw a little challenge for those who are currently unnocupied. Write a short (1 minute?) piece based on the following duo: The instruments must correspond to your birthdate. January: Timpani February: Oboe March: Glockenspiel April: Flute May: Violin June: Horn July: Bassoon August: Celesta September: Bass Clarinet October: Tenor Sax November: Contrabass December: Cor Anglais 1:Marimba; 2:Horn; 3:Bass Clarinet; 4:Piccolo; 5:Viola; 6:Bass Trombone; 7:Clarinet; 8:Vibraphone; 9:Euphonium; 10:Glockenspiel; 11:Timpani; 12:Tuba; 13:Violin; 14:Oboe; 15:Cello; 16:Tubular Bells; 17:Melodica; 18:Cor Anglais 19:Tenor Sax; 20:Bass Clarinet 21:Bassoon; 22:Trumpet; 23:Eletric Bass; 24:Piano; 25:Harpsichord; 26:Flute; 27:Organ; 28:Trombone; 29:Guitar; 30:Soprano Sax; 31:Celesta
  6. I could swear i heard something similar a few weeks ago. It was a Russian composer from the 20th century.
  7. You cannot destroy an enemy fort with a fugue!
  8. So yesterday i was browsing through thecomposerssite.com and i came across the second edition of the Maurice Ravel International Composition Competition. (http://www.composerssite.com/opportunity/6508) They look very well organized, i searched them up, looked up for their website and they really exist. However i am still not sure if its legit or not. From what i found on the web they look waaay too small an organization to be able to host such a big competition. Also did not find any videos/pictures related to last year's competition. What do you guys think? Did you ever heard of this competition? Did you participate? ...Do you think its legit? If its not, there is also the "Karol Szymanowsky" competition, in which the page is filled with videos covering the event.
  9. Have you checked out Thomas Goss' channel "Orchestration Online"? https://www.youtube.com/user/OrchestrationOnline
  10. Also don't forget Brahms!! His Hungarian Dances are very rich orchestral works and also short ones. Very good to be analyzed and read!
  11. Rachmaninoff is also pretty good. His orchestration sounds really good and its not hard to analyze and understand. Also give Mahler some special attention. His orchestration technique is phenomenal, it almost feels like every note is used to its full potential. His 5th symphony is the easiest symphony to listen and to get into.
  12. Mini concert? You mean a chamber orchestra?
  13. If you could learn everything you wanted from google schools, universities and this forum would be useless.
  14. Pick a popular song. Shouldn't be hard to find sheets/tabs/midis for a popular song. From there you can easily arrange your song. Arranging is an excelent exercise for composers and i highly encourage you to do it yourself. With or without a talent show. Otherwise, don't expect people to do things for you for free. I see a lot of people out there saying "if its free then more people will know me and i will get recognition!" but that is really not how it works. You will be full of work to do without any rewards whatsoever. (in short, its the same thing U238 said in a less U238ish way) Judging by the arrangement you linked, you seem very well capable. So why are you still reading this? ;)
  15. whoops, double post! Admins please delete? :D
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