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Zimr Music

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Zimr Music last won the day on March 9 2018

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  1. Here is a BG music I made inspired by a game based on the SCP universe where the player character is a guy that was sent to investigate a SCP Foundation base that went radio silence
  2. wow I love the guitar and the choir ambience the track capture the wild west essence gives me some The good the bad and the ugly theme vibes
  3. thanks for feedback guy. I am still practicing The one with the synth beat was meant to play when the hero enters the portable looks like it needs it's own separate track. I've been listening to Jesper Kyd's and Hans Zimmer's game and movie soundtrack works I am always fascinated with combining orchestral music with synth effects and foley.
  4. I listened to the soundtrack of those games the original titles it seems I need to add some drum beat and remove that repetitive cymbal beat lol It was actually inspired by Adele - Rolling in the Deep when I heard it muffled from other room and the news about minisub lost in deep sea so the idea came to my mind
  5. Another music for another game level. This time more scifi and dark themed. The scientists accidentally made a tear in reality and the shadow realm bleeds through our reality. Expendable military men are dispatched to investigate what is inside the shadow realm
  6. It is made for a short game where the spec ops guy travel in a small military sub under enemy waters to a location to infiltrate behind enemy lines I used mostly samples and synths and some cymbals
  7. nah I think the original is much better as I just finally got a lossless copy of the SH2 OST album anyway thanks for the heads up
  8. Here is a piece created based off a space movie for a short animation where the characters are racing with the clock to escape and impeding disaster The random cello on the background resembles an alarm and the pipe organ resembles the clock spinning
  9. A remake of my favorite track, Promise by Akira Yamaoka in piano I intend to add more modern mixing techniques to the original song This is what I have so far
  10. thanks for feedback I am making changes and will share updates soon
  11. I have been listening to some ambient piano music while out for a walk in my lazy town and I got in a mood to do a freestyle piano session. This is my first piano solo Feedback is appreciated
  12. So after visiting an abandoned village I created a background track that combines the visuals with the music. What I seek to convey is add more sense of atmosphere to the track so it vibes in with the visuals My inspiration is the last of us hbo tv series
  13. oh man this is so cringy. I'm listening to my old compositions and I'm dead laughing
  14. I'm dead laughing at my old compositions so cringy
  15. oh my oh my I'm dead laughing at my old compositions
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