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About gameexpertmaster

  • Birthday 08/08/1989

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  • Biography
    I started composing about 7 years ago...so i guess I was 10-11, and have been off and on for a bit.
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Freelance Web Designer
  • Interests
    Composing, Computer Programming, Art

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  1. Finale 2007 Score is attached. Let me know if you need the MID Darkness Within.MUS
  2. I haven't composed anything in a while...it's been probably around 4 or 5 months, and I just started up again, and I wanted a critique of what I'm working on, to make sure I haven't lost my edge :P haha Audio: http://www.siosphere.com/Darkness.mp3 The title of the piece is Darkness Within, I just haven't actually gotten to the dark part in the song...it's at the beginning which is a little bit on the lighter side....
  3. I use Finale 2007 w/ GPO, and along with that, I use a program called Reason, with the orkester soundbank, as well as Symphony Of Voices, I Really enjoy Reason,
  4. Thanks for your reply, I'm thinking about making it longer. And how sad...51 views..and only 1 reply :(
  5. This is a piece I've done here in the last couple of days, it uses a piano, 2 violins and a cello. Mp3 iFinal - eSnips, share anything Mus http://kramer.customrealms.com/Night.MUS I would love some feedback.
  6. Hey, Thanks for the advice, I'm going through and making several edits, and i'll work in what you were talking about. I'll post it here when i'm done.
  7. i used a program called reason, and a midi keyboard
  8. A piano solo, it is my second piano solo This piece is played by me, so there might be mistakes, and I'd love some feedback. PianoSolo2 - eSnips, share anything
  9. Thanks :) World of warcraft is awesome..... ha ha
  10. I would love to participate
  11. This was my submission for the Blizzard Original Song Competition. I wanted to do something fast, that was either a battle song or a victory song, this is kind of...both? I ran out of time for the contest, so it has a really bogus ending.... Mp3: Siosphere WorldofWarcraft.MUS WorldofWarcraft.MID
  12. This is a theme to a game called "Siostigma" Siostigma
  13. Lol, I do listen to music, lots and lots and lots of it, constantly, over 62 hours worth of music just by john wiliams, 30 something by danny elfman (my hero :) ), 15-20 of james newton howard, and howard shore... As I am more interested in film composing (as you can tell), I do things a bit differently, as previously stated, i have never had a class, or read a book on orchestrating, and I know what sounds good in my head, but I guess through out this conversation, I have come to the conclusion..I just won't know..till I know, I'll just have to give it to an orchestra...and hope for the best ha ha. Thanks for all your reply's, and I might look at a book (which means, i'm to lazy and won't look at one :P ),
  14. You see, I can compose without a piano, and just on paper as well, and then i transfer that into finale, and it sounds great, just as I wanted it to sound, but...I don't think I have had enough experience with each instrument to know the limitations, and exact tones of each, so I am still unsure how good it would sound fully orchestrated. I have never taken a class, or read a book on orchestration, all i have done is tinkered with notes on paper, and in my head, I just know what sounds good (well in my head ;) ), and it sounds good in my head, and on piano (if i start there), and no matter what, it ends up in finale, and there it sounds good, but i can't help myself still feeling that i'm going to try and get something orchestrated, show up, and it is going to sound completely different then what i intended it sound like, and since i don't have an orchestra at my beck and call, I can't do tests, to see what sounds good actually orchestrated.
  15. Alright, thank you, I feel less worried, still worried, but less, about having my compositions clash if they ever get orchestrated :toothygrin: For example, Siosphere While that sounds great in finale, i'm unsure how real instruments would sound, and if it would horrible clash, and since GPO fails utterly for some reason, i can't even tell if real fake instruments (ha oxymoron) sounds great....it just worries me that if i ever try to get something orchestrated...they will begin to play..and it will sound..like a bunch of noise...
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