Hi, recently i was transcribing to understand how to use sheets, i made some of them already with no problem, but... Recently was transcribing 3 pieces, and 1 of 3 i stalled 3 of them lol. Unfortunately i only know the basics of music theory, and never had any lessons (and i compose with softwares that aren't needed any knowledge for sheets) To make it fast i cut the part of the pieces that im having problems. Anyone willing to help this fellow?
Problem 1 This piece has Harp, Violin section and a Piano, violin has the same issue as the piano after, the only difference is trill and accents with staccato, then probably wont need help any futher with this piece. Then *Please if the Harp notation is wrong tell me *How should i transcribe to sheet this bizarre tempo? *Do i need expressions because the tempo? *Is it the tempo anyway? idk Update: Recently was reading about tempo and seems the piano is in rubato but still a little confused how should i transcribe the melody on sheet how i notated bellow is ok? or is kinda off? should i change 3/4 on piano to another?
Audio file is attached
The another problems i will post after if needed. Since probably could be the same problem with the rest of them. Thanks for Reading, Any help will be appreciated.