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ty bach

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About ty bach

  • Birthday 10/10/1990

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    Well there aint a lot to say about me, im 17 from Llanelli in south Wales
  • Interests
    i play the piano, but not with much technical greatness, im far too easily distracted...

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  1. he's most definately still organist he was playing last sunday!!
  2. I have few 'intentions' with compositions rather more haphazard ventures in a new academic medium... but yes i see what u mean. Although I'm not too sure what exactly I am meant to be achieving by consciously setting out to be 'original'. I wouldn't however want to flatter myself to think that I have the capabilities of being truly original when i consider the very few people who, I would at least, consider to be so. thnx jcramer, and dont worry I'm not soul-crushed. frankness is far more efficient way of communication. p.s I hadn't noticed that parallel which is rather shameful...
  3. so far I've only heard your string quartet, but I'm definately going to take a look at your other works when time allows! Firstly, you must be complemented on ur judgement of tone. I felt that you had set yourself an incredibly narrow range of harmonics (if that would be the most useful term to use) this being particularly apparent in the final mvmnt. In which respect I found the piece particularly rewarding. It's a highly 'concentrated' work in that regard which has however some remarkable shifts in colour (most notably the conclusion to the last mvnt. which has a real sense of having 'found' that quasi-Romantic tone). I apologise if none of that made any sense, but expressing these things is remarkably difficult (perhaps that's why music is the better medium...!). One comment though, is that I feel it could have easily been extended into a larger scale quartet with the sort of materials that were present. But perhaps its appeal may also b in its succinct nature...jus some thoughts for u!
  4. This is a piece which is as yet unfinished, but I've reached such a point of familiarity that any comment, critique and suggestions would be most welcome. I'm planning on continue the setting into the further stanzas in the future, but would like to achieve some closure on this section first. It is a beautiful text which I've tried to interpret in an appropriate context wishing the a capella setting to serve the text. Thanks!:) p.s I do apologise, but I have left in some of the very sketchy next stanza on the MIDI too! so it's only really up to 2.26 min. that i've submitted ( a post without some technical incompetance is something I'm yet to achieve!) Stabt_Mater.pdf stabat c.mid
  5. might it jus be an improvisation...? ooh i'm so jealous you got to hear that! i'm going in a couple of weeks, hopefully i will have a chance to catch a super wacky organ piece! (an awesome accoustic for a church that looks like a bomb raid shelter)
  6. What a beautiful first theme which comes through again in the end! The only constructive thing can think of is that perhaps the middle section (development) seems to lack the melodic structure that came across at first. Ofcourse this may be intentional, but for me I'd have liked to have seen that original motif developped further.
  7. yes, I can see your point, they're hardly very remarkable to make any other usage of the figure consequential. Although the Parsifal motive does appear in lighter terms (although I'd agree that its hardly of the same strictly 'dolce' tone as the Brahms...although is there much in Parsifal that is purely 'dolce'...!)
  8. I'be recently started listening to Wagner and when hearing Parsifal i was struck to find a remarkable resemblence between one theme in prs. and Brahms' intermezzo op.117 no.1. The them i'm referring to can be found on Richard Wagner under the 'opera' then 'parsifal' then 'leitmotives' and it's 'p05' on the prelude list. the intermezzo can be found at Disclaimer - IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library: Free Public Domain Sheet Music I'd really appreciate some comment on whether this is just coincidental or whether it has some musical context. Thanks!:)
  9. yep, ur right, i don't play brass. lol your comment made me smile though...this piece was written as part of a 'miniature suite' (the very name stirrs a horrble feeling), and basically the brass quintet i wrote it for called it as a whole unplayable. they put it down to its length and its eccentricity in the context of the entire concert they were doin that evening (tho even after seriously editing and well..dumbing it down they still managed to play it fairly badly, though this movement-tho still unbearable-was a fair success). so thanks for your comment!! (wo ho my first technical pointer..ooh the excitement...) yet this section had its particular focus on the main trumpet line. :toothygrin:
  10. ok, i've posted this again because i quite clearly was a bit rubbish at posting it last time... well anyway...this is from a brass quintet i wrote about..ermm...2 ish years ago for a local competition. I'd really appreciate your feedback and hope to put some more recent works up here soon. sorry i cudnt put up a PDF... :( Thanks!!!:) no.3 part adagio.mid no.3 part 2of2.sib
  11. ah ok... no.3part.sib
  12. hi, :) This is my first post on this site, and well this was more a testing of the water for me in terms of how posting here works. well this slow movement is from a 'suite' i wrote for brass quintet about 2 years ago. This was the mot successful movmnt from the 3 mvnt piece (i forgot brass players had to breathe...hmmm sibelius made me do it and i couldnt resist...ahh youthful enthusiasm i suppose). There are some faults in harmony in places and its dreadfully apparent but i cant, as yet edit the piece. Well id like to gain a sense of some of your reactions if you'd oblige....:)
  13. i dream of music but i tend to be listening to the piece (as if on a radio) and thinking to myself 'god that sounds good, iv never heard of it before. i wish i could write something like that'. of course if i have never heard of it in my dream then it must be my own... i never remember it when i wake up...what about hypnosis....?
  14. this is a little vague, but what i am trying to say is that is there any point in continuing a musical style that came about ages ago and which has now 'progressed'. this idea came to my mind after i had conceived a small orchestral idea to find that it bore a strong relation with the music of Tchaikovsky. i found myself thinking: what is the point in writing it down if it already exists in a form that is FFFFFFfffaaaaaaaaarrrrr greater than my own????????:blink:
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