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Auf Der Zorazs

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About Auf Der Zorazs

  • Birthday 10/31/1987

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    Stoke-On-Trent, UK

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  1. ...what? If that's a joke, it's gone right over my head. If it's serious, I have no clue what you mean. Sorry. And manossg, thanks for the tip, I'll see what I can do with Sloth. And yeaa, I don't tend to stick to any particular strict orchestration. Which is why, if my suite ever did get performed (god forbid!) there'd be large sections of the orchestra with nothing to do for several pieces. Yea, I like them to sound good before I put in all the nitty-gritty extra thinking. Music comes first.
  2. I'm absolutely terrified of posting these up. Coz I know they're not great, and there's far far better things to listen to on this wonderful forum. But just a couple of listens would suit me down to the ground. I've written a 7 Sins suite, one piece of music for each sin. Sloth and Ira are probably my two favourites (aside from Greed, which I posted up a few months ago), so I'm sharing these in MP3 form with you guys. I'm not going to post up a score, because I admit, I don't take GREAT care in scoring, so the pro's out there will rip it to shreds. I believe the music I make is to be heard, not read. And I've already thought of the first reply I'll get: "It's very reptative." I'm sorry about that! I just find something stimulating about repetative music, if you can do it right. Steve Reich is not stimulating, it drags on for too long and does not build well enough. There's more than one riff in each piece, by the way, it does vary in some respects. Well, here you go, courtesy of E-Snips, Acedia/Sloth (Clarinet, Bassoon, Viola, Cello, Timpani) and Ira/Wrath (Oboe, Trumpet, Violin, Viola, Cello, Voice [Tenor], Piano, Timpani). Sloth: Sloth - eSnips, share anything Ira: Ira - eSnips, share anything Many thanks, ~ADZ~
  3. ...hm. I got Finale 2007 for
  4. Having spent so much money on a new laptop I don't really want to stay still in the technological race. It may be more expensive, but I might just plum for upgrading to 2008. And I've given that "Run as XP" thing but it doesn't seem to have gotten rid of the triangles. Bizarrely, what seems to work is deleting the brackets at the start of the stave.....
  5. It took me months to work out that little puzzle. ;)
  6. Upgrading to 2008 would be the most sensible. Shame, I've not long had 07. I blame PC World for dishing out inferior laptops! I am awaiting a reponse from Finale though to see what they can suggest... it seems to be the brackets causing the problems, but I'll see what they say too.
  7. Seb, I've had the same problem with channels and such, but I've worked a way around it. 1) On the toolbar, click the icon of the treble clef. 2) Then go to "Staff" on the menu at the top. 3) Click "New Staves." 4) Pick which instrument you want to add. 5) Go to "Window" on the menu, and "Instrument List". This will open a pop-up box. 6) Your new added instrument will normally be on the same channel as another instrument, so click the column labelled "instrument". (The one to the left of the channel number) 7) Scroll to the top and select "New Instrument". This will pop up another box. 8) In the box "Channel", type a new, unique channel number. 9) In the scroll menu "General MIDI", select the instrument you've just added. 10) Click OK, then close the Instrument List. That should do the job, but I have not yet worked out how to do the same with percussion, such as cymbals or drum kit. But see if that works for you.
  8. After I've just spent 2 hours re-naming and re-iconing all my pictures and music? I think not! :huh: I'll have to sort something out before I go back to Uni though.
  9. No, this was the first place I thought of. :happy: I can't afford to call these people, I'll e-mail them. And Saiming, regardless of how well Macs operate Finale... they balls everything else up so I won't be getting one of those!
  10. Having just spent many hundreds on a new laptop after my old one crashed, I've had to setup Finale PrintMusic 2007 on my new Vista Laptop. I've got another 30 days to activate it... even though I've already activated it. (And those calls to America aren't cheap!) The main problem are blue triangles I get throughout various pieces. (See attached picture) Is Finale 2007 acually suited for Vista, and how can I get rid of these lines? Ta much, ADZ.
  11. Let's talk. I want to make this into an advert. :D Unfortunately now whenever I hear Chopin's Military Polonaise, I'm going to be singing "Tea, oh tea!" along with it! :D It's a peculiar listen indeed, and when you're writing for vocals it's just so important, and difficult to an extent, to get them working well with each other. And you've pretty much nailed it.
  12. As a Brit, I'm not familiar with this concept of "Six Flags"... thanks to your handy score I've got it down as a sort of Alton Towers of the States. Otherwise I'd have put it down as some sort of celebration piece. Clearly you and I differ in our meaning of the word "slow". :D This is a very inventive piece, made all the more remarkable in my opinion, that it was pieced together in just three days. I think you've got some of the images spot on, in a piece full of colour and visions. Bravo!
  13. Here's the score... I can't turn it into a PDF so I'm just going to have to post it up as a .MUS file. And I'm thinking complete the works and post it up in the "Major Works" section later in the year. 7 Sins - Avaritia (Greed).MUS
  14. I'll post a score up when I get back to my own PC. Unfortunately, the style I'm most comfortable with involves quite a bit of repetition, which, as you've noticed, I do try and vary, with limited success. Like I say, I'll post up a score, and other pieces when I get back.
  15. Hey y'all. I'm just throwing out here one of the movements from my currently-running "7 Sins" suite, where each piece represents one of the cardinal sins. This is my favourite so far, but first a couple of notices - you may have to listen to it through headphones or speakers because it is very quiet to begin with. Also, I must apologise for a bit of fuzz that comes in towards the end as it did not record well, no matter how I tried. So far I have scored Greed (Avaritia), Envy (Invidia), Gluttony (Gula), Lust (Luxuria), and am currently working through Anger (Ira). Nonetheless, scored for bassoon, oboe, viola, cello, piano, timpani and glockenspiel, here is one of the 7 Sins... Greed. See what you think and tell me what I can do to improve it. Posted as MP3 and MIDI, but I really do not like how MIDIs sound in general. And I seem to have a problem attaching MP3s at the moment, so heres the link: 7 Sins - Greed - eSnips, share anything 7 Sins - Avaritia (Greed).MID
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