I'm absolutely terrified of posting these up. Coz I know they're not great, and there's far far better things to listen to on this wonderful forum. But just a couple of listens would suit me down to the ground. I've written a 7 Sins suite, one piece of music for each sin. Sloth and Ira are probably my two favourites (aside from Greed, which I posted up a few months ago), so I'm sharing these in MP3 form with you guys.
I'm not going to post up a score, because I admit, I don't take GREAT care in scoring, so the pro's out there will rip it to shreds. I believe the music I make is to be heard, not read.
And I've already thought of the first reply I'll get: "It's very reptative." I'm sorry about that! I just find something stimulating about repetative music, if you can do it right. Steve Reich is not stimulating, it drags on for too long and does not build well enough. There's more than one riff in each piece, by the way, it does vary in some respects.
Well, here you go, courtesy of E-Snips, Acedia/Sloth (Clarinet, Bassoon, Viola, Cello, Timpani) and Ira/Wrath (Oboe, Trumpet, Violin, Viola, Cello, Voice [Tenor], Piano, Timpani).
Sloth: Sloth - eSnips, share anything
Ira: Ira - eSnips, share anything
Many thanks,