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Denatura Sonorum

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Denatura Sonorum last won the day on October 22 2019

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About Denatura Sonorum

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  • Favorite Composers
    Ravel, Debussy, John Williams, Bach...
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    MuseScore, FL studio
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Flute, Guitar

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  1. Thank you, very much, for your comment, AKAChristopher. Forgive me for replying with so much delay. Yes. It's a total improv. No revision, no previous ideas, nothing. I just start, pick up the phrase or rhythm that tells me something and go on from there. For me it must be in one take. If it's good, fine, if not, I drop it altogether. Thaks again for your kind words. Um abraço
  2. Hi, Chopin. I'm interested, but I'm kind of confused about what do you want right now. Do you want a score with a composition of mine or an audio ? Tell me more about of what you really need from me for I can specifically work on that. Um abraço.
  3. A piano piece improvisation.
  4. This is a piece for piano solo that I've composed about my hometown : Rio de Janeiro. The video is made of images of the Rio from early 20th century.
  5. Thank you, Seni-G, for your thoughts. It's a way of doing things. I've tried some times to do more or less like you put it. But in some way it feels awkward to me, I mean : being to cerebral. I see nothing wrong with that, but for me, when I write, I try to find the balance between what I want and to where this "what", I've just created, wants to go.
  6. Thank you, Giacomo925. This piece was made, in part, on a DAW, so the score need some finishing to reach its final stage. I'll work on that.
  7. Perhaps not intentionally, but darker ? Yes. Thaks, Belasek, for the listening and commenting.
  8. A piece for string orchestra.
  9. The score for this arrangement is not finished yet. But the original ( which is for piano solo ) is here. Thanks for all comments.
  10. Toccata prelúdio ( string version )
  11. Hi. This is a piece I've composed some time ago. The sample sound is not ok, but it may give some idea of the piece. Feedback is welcome.
  12. A songlike piece in a way of toccata.
  13. Thank you very much , Mark101, for your comments.
  14. Thank you, very much, Mark101.
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