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About Sawdust

  • Birthday 09/17/1985

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  1. Acctually, thanks for pointing everything out =). The melody did feel kinda "funny" overall, so I appreciate knowing why now. And to be perfectly honest, the harmony was ad hoced while writing the melody, which was done in 3 hours give or take. A very nasty habit of mine... But I'll do things differently when reworking it.
  2. Sorry it took me so long to answer, I've been away for a few days. Here's the first draft, I like it but I think there's room for improvement. Minuet Draft One.pdf Minuet Draft One.mid
  3. I'd rather not, my voice would get me banned. I'm going to continue working on this tommorow now that I've wrapped up a few other projects, fix the harmony and rythm with this part first (Or maybe redo it from the start) and then post the pdf score.
  4. It's not much, very small scale, barely over 3 minutes but I did it to dip my feet into the endless sea of writing for more than three instruments, I also tried to keep it thematic, basing both motiffs in the beggining and the middle, on the theme I wrote. The theme itself being rather simple, I was going for memorable rather than complicated and the feeling of riding to war (Hence all the percussions). RideOfTheLombards.mid
  5. Just wondering if anyone has ever experimented with Schoenberg's 12 note system. I personally don't care much for his works but I still haven't heard enough to really judge. I've drummed together a few pieces, mostly with two voices and 20 measures or less, nothing on a large enough scale to really post it here. I was also wondering if anyone could point me to any works they've done using it or any performances they like. If you're unfamiliar with the 12 note system, this link should give you a quick run down.
  6. I think I get it now, I was always under the impression that you could only put the root or the third in the bass, and that you always had to include the root in the chord.
  7. Thanks, but I think I get it, just wanted to know if you could put the seventh note below the root in the bass.
  8. Can you also use a major second (for seventh chords) as a passing chord?
  9. Because in the second and fourth bars the third is in the bass making it an I in first inversion?
  10. ...I just noticed I missed a chord in the first line. I think it makes more sense as.. I IV I II I The reason I put a III in there instead of I in 1st Inversion was becase I regretfully didn't notice that G was present in the melody, completing the chord. Want me to reanalyze the progression for the rest of the piece?
  11. Acctually both Pink Floyd and Radiohead have a lot of their music in midi format... I wouldn't reccomend the Pink Floyd ones though, to this day I still haven't found one that's any good.
  12. Or the Experimental/Atonal/Avant Garde section, I think yours would fit there quite nicely from your influences. It still technicly fits in the rock section since progressive/art rock (Ala Pink Floyd and Radiohead) still has it's roots in rock. Btw if I can make a reccomendation, you should look around for a few King Crimson albums, their style is more chaotic and dissonent (Very much Proto-Metal) but still ambient and very very complex.
  13. La Vie En Rose is pretty inspirational especially the trumpet solo at the end.
  14. So I thought I'd take a different approach to vocal melodies, rather than just plaster some random ones on a harmony and then write the lyrics I'd acctually write the lyrics first, create a melody from them, harmonize it and finnally do the arrangement. To test this I decided to do something like it with one of my favourite poems. This is a two voice arrangement of the first part of the first stanza "What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns. Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle Can patter out their hasty orisons." I'd really like some comments on A. Wheater or not the words are singable with the melody and B. Wheater or not the melody and harmony(I wrote the progression at the end of this post) represent the theme of the poem? Thank you. Progression: I VI V I III I VII I VI V IV I IVsus2 IV III I VII I AnthemForDoomedYouthPart1.mid
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