If you're going to use the full force of the orchestra behind a solo violin part, there's going to be a strong chance that it will drown the violin no matter what register the violin is in. It's true that the violin carries better in on the E string, but put the violin part too high (ie. an octave above that) and the violinist will really struggle to make the instrument resonate especially if the part is moving quickly through several notes in that way. Trust me, it's very difficult to play loudly and resonantly in a rediculously high register unless you own a stradivarius which will do all the work for you. :)
Also with regards to your dynamic markings, if you put ff for the trumpet, the player is going to interperate that as "play bloody loud!". It doesn't matter if the violin part is fff because the violin simply isn't as loud and instrument as the trumpet. It doesn't matter if you write fffffff for the violin it won't be able to play any louder than the trumpet! Of course, the conductor will be able to inform the trumpet player that the violin part should be louder than the trumpet, but then the trumpet won't really be playing ff, will it?