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Don Giovanni

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  • Biography
    kind hearted and naïve, willful and full of regret. the time passes away and I only have a minute of music written

    enjoys music with a fat beat
  • Gender
  • Location
    Bread Loaf, Vermont
  • Occupation
    piano teacher
  • Interests
  • Favorite Composers
    Mahler, Lehar and Richard Cheese
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
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  1. Coke owns pepsi? what the and lol white people arguments
  2. It's not dead at all, there are still composers using the technique in their music. A lot of those composers are in academia and you are most likely to not be aware of them because they are protected behind the walls of music libraries and one bedroom apartments. The composer that uses serialism is still alive and thriving, yet to be extinct. Also, the matrix can manipulate your melodies in unique ways and I encourage anyone to try serialism out :) :D
  3. Well, I love Rameau's music so I don't think you should abandon it
  4. youtube, youtube, youtube, sometimes blogs and also the piano. and my friends use spotify
  5. what begat my love for contemporary music first started with old classical composers, primarily Bach, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Smetena, Sibelius, Strauss and Mahler. What changed this habit of listening to classical composers was the early music of Arvo Part. Before his tinntinubulum stage where he was writing serial music with lots of extended techniques on the instruments. It was his symphonies and cello concerto that sold me and then from there I back tracked to Stravinsky, Schoenberg, Webern, Messiaen, Takemitsu etc. I remember listening to his cello concerto and just being frightened and in pain, but now I'm not afraid of it, I infact relish in it lol Elliot Carter's string quartets also have a similar effect on my psyche.
  6. It's fun to debate it online because it's like other political issues that are almost so dumb they're fun. Like homosexuality or whether it's better to be a republican or democrat or now a new one whether you think the police are using excessive force or just doing their jobs. Like what the other composers in the room have said: it comes down to quality, which quality is a kind of subjective thing because if it's of quality that means that you are most apt to enjoy it the best and when it comes to all of our psyches, it's our state of mind and attitude that's going to change the way we hear a piece of music. I love atonal music, I love it more than tonal, but only because I don't think tonality really exists it's just atonal music with chords and highly malleable structure. There are keys of pieces and tonal centers of pieces but those are nothing more than suns which planets orbit around. The same kind of relationships also exist in atonal music however like Scelsi which in his music he does manipulate tonal centers in drone like ways or Bach/Wagner where the tonal center can be continuously modulating, this malleable art of music is most profound, by far the profoundest of all musics.
  7. Classical music is put on a pedestal and I don't really think it deserves to be, the greatest gift classical music has given to new, young composers is a wide vocabulary of tonal language. Also, because of the interest it has led to even better made strings, winds, perc., keys and brass. So two things, a deep and intelligent way to understand tonality and high-quality instruments. Composers nowadays I don't think are pressured to be like our ancestors and it's mainly because there is still more to be discovered with musical expression. You might have a teacher that will pressure you, but if you do have a teacher that does, know that he/she is rare because most composition teachers I've met are more into you finding your own voice rather than imitating somebody else's, now there are exercises and quotes you can put into a piece but overall they want your music to be original so there isn't really any pressure for composers to be like Beethoven or Bach. If you major composition in college you'll be expected to write in the form and style of baroque composers but your education there will be focused on the new music you're creating, the rules of the past are only there for you to use, not to be strictly followed.
  8. just wrote a song, check it out! Libro De Noche

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