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About denico

  • Birthday 07/15/1972

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  1. I did not know I liked jazz, but I really ike this piece. Very good for lifestyle commercials also I think
  2. Hello Euler thanks for your comment ! Indeed, the piece is not finished. I will finish it (and re-record it) in a few weeks when i have time. Thanks Kind regards R Denessen
  3. of course ! I think it was very late when i tried to open the finale file in Sibelius. Maybe it was the glass of wine i drunk yesterday evening :D Remco
  4. hello everyone, in November last year, i was really tired of winter here in Holland. Rain, Rain and more rain. I just needed sunshine and light. So i downloaded a nice picture of a town in Umbria (Italy) in Summer. And i wrote a piece of music to it. I also tried to score it in Sibelius. It was my first attempt. I dont know for sure if the notes are correct. I am a beginner in composing. I also recorded it with East West Symphonic orchestra. At the end , it sounds a little bit like rubish, and it doesnt match with the sibelius score for 100% . But here are the files. I would really appreciate it to hear what you think of it ! That would be very great. Sibelius File: http://www.remcodenessen.com/score%20sibelius%205.sib Mp3 file: RDenessen Movie Score: listen online Thanks and greetings from Holland Remco
  5. I think it is a great piece ! I really like it. I recognize a touch of Mozart , Beethoven, Chopin and even Schuman (rheinische Symphony nr 3). So i really enjoyed the piece :):) Remco
  6. hello, i think that the music really reflects the title very well. Dissatisfaction, unrest and a little anger. I agree with Rkmajora, it would be even better i think when you would repeat the first violin theme , maybe with a second melodyline part which increases the unrest or dissatisfaction. Kind regards Remco
  7. Hello i can not get the mus. file opened in Sibelius. I do not know why. But the music sounds great. It really creates an atmosphere . When i hear it, i think of a misty , cold autumn morning on the beach. Although i couldn't open the mus file, i think it is not that hard to play on piano . The only difficult piece for piano i think, is the ending and the very fast notes at 3/4 of the piece. The only thing i did not like that much was the ending. It came suddenly, and i wished the piece would continue a little longer. I am always listening if i can hear a sonate form ( a-b-a) and for my feeling it stopped after the B part. So i expected the A part to start again. But it didn't. But nowadays form is not that important in music anymore, so i might just be an old fashioned classical music lover :). But i listened to the piece several times and i really like it ! And i don't think that it is too hard to play on piano. Kind regards Remco
  8. Thank you very much ! I do not know anything about music theory. So when i write music, it comes to me naturally. It comes out of my fingers when i am playing. So for me the composition feels natural. Thats the way it came out of my fingers. But my brother told me he really dislikes the 'static part' . I always take his advice very serious, but it just wanted to know what other composers think of it. I am just a beginner, but for me it sounded natural. I have made a lot of compositions lately, some are much better i think. I will post some of them next week. Thanks for your comment ! Kind regards R.DEnessen
  9. Hello thanks, and you are right. I also should comment more on other members' music myself. I listen to the pieces, and i am always very curious about what people are composing. But i dont comment much, because i think i am just a beginner, i am not an expert at all. But i will comment more on other peoples work in the future. Thanks and kind regards Remco
  10. I was really thinking that this place was closing down. :thumbsup: Luckily its not !!
  11. Thanks ! I also like the static part more than the romantic part. Thanks very much for your advice Remco
  12. No one wants to give me advice ? :( Not very encouraging when you post your first composition online for advice.:(
  13. Hello everyone, this morning i wrote a piece for orchestra. I recorded it tonight, but i did not really orchestrate it yet. (i just layered some orchestra sounds and recorded it). By brother tells me he really hates the first part, the static part, that is played in the beginning, the middle and at the end. He likes the romantic part of the piece. I need your advice before i start orchestrating . Should i delete the static parts and come up with something else, or what do you think ? Here is the link: Church : listen online Thanks and Kind regards Remco
  14. Hello kvitske That piece sounds great :thumbsup:. It sounds a little like medieval music (dus uit de middeleeuwen), and it could maybe be used for a tv-series or cartoon Groetjes R.Denessen
  15. Hello this piece of music is really nice to listen to. It is really relaxing. You've got a lot of talent, and you play very well Nice work ! remco
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