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About ditzley

  • Birthday 10/26/1990

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  1. Thanks violinfiddler, sadly today I learned I will be unable to attend the wedding. Robinjessome, the video is hilarious and very true for cellists...
  2. It wasn't my idea, it was requested of me. My friend's brother wanted it. I am the cellist... I really don't want to play the boring cello part.
  3. Does anyone know where I can get a good arrangement of Pachelebel's Canon in D for a violin and cello duet? If so please tell me. My friend has asked me to play at his brother's wedding with him and we need an arrangement of it. Thanks in advance.
  4. First off, I agree with Qccowboy, the texture just is their one second and then the next it is gone. Change in texture can be a great tool or a great enemy, here it doesn't really help. It confused me more than anything, all but one or two instruments seemed to just stop playing, it was like part of the orchestra just went missing. I did like some of the ideas you had in the piece though. Let the listener have something to hold onto, you give them some texture and then take it away, let them keep it for awhile. Also, posting your piece here and asking comments for it and then just throw them back at the critic is no way to make friends or to get good comments, especially when you do so to a well-respected member of this forum such as Qccowboy, everyone here is just trying to help.
  5. I listened to the first one, i think that it is nice, very romantic, but it does get boring. Change the rhythm in the right hand, add more melody. Maybe have the eighth notes in the right hand go throughout the entire measure. I don't know about other people but I like slower pieces.
  6. i don't really have much in the way of criticism. I really liked the song, the lyrics seem to fit nicely but I'm not good at that stuff. One more comment, I really want to hear it with the female vocals. :P
  7. I pretty much agree with Fox, I don't know much about this type of music but it would go nicely as a background theme. It does kinda get boring though, even though it is very short.
  8. It sounds nice, a whole lot better than my first few peices. One complaint though, it sounds like the strings are in unison the entire time, this being your first composition it doesn't really mean much, but try and give the strings different rythms.
  9. I would also have to agree with the re-orchestration, but what ensemble to use I have no idea.
  10. Thanks for commenting. The place where you say there is unbalance in the strings, I can't hear where the low strings being too loud, but maybe a reduction of dynamic there could be better. Now that I listen to the ascending scale area, the accent does seem a little out of place. Thanks again for the comments.
  11. I enjoyed all of them, very short though. When you said they were short I was not expecting that short. They were all nice, but I felt like you could have done more with them. Good work though, I hope your friend likes them.
  12. Thanks for commenting, it was a solo violin, and I agree there should be something more going on between the harp and the solo. I'll work on that. Oh and here is a score incase anyone would like to look at it. LargoinE.MUS
  13. I don't really have much to say, more personal tast than anything I guess. Anyway, I like the beginning its nice and romantic, but the seventh measure or somewhere where it begins the sixteenth notes and rests kind of changes the whole mood I think. Then when it goes to just sixteenth notes, I think is good and makes the peice move more, but maybe develop the beginning part more. I really didn't like the 32nd notes though, just seemed to not fit in. I think it sounds good though, keep working on it.
  14. Thank you very much, but it's not perfect. Any criticisms anyone?
  15. I think that playing a string instrument isn't completely necessary, but it is very helpful, as is playing any other instrument. The important thing is to know what intruments can do, and how to write for them. If you don't have the time, money, etc. to play an instrument you should at least contact someone who does play the instrument, such as someone on this forum, or read about the instrument in a book, I don't actually have a name for a book, but I'm sure someone on this forum would know of one. However, I would recommend playing a string instrument it is a great experience and is very fun, most of the time.
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