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About forte1320

  • Birthday 02/04/1992

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Pianist, Composer, Theorist, Review Artist.
  • Gender
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  • Occupation
    Teacher, educator, journalist
  • Interests
    composition, education
  • Favorite Composers
    Bach, Palestrina, Mozart, Chopin, Handel, Vivaldi
  • My Compositional Styles
    Baroque, neo-classical, new age, broadway
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, F.Horn, Violin, Vocalist

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  1. Hey guys, check out Denatura Sonorum's uploads. Great piece and recording quality.

  2. I posted my Passacaglia today. Would love to get your feedback on it. :3

  3. Hello everyone! Rainy weather over here. Time to write some emotional music. o-o Got quite a few uplodads today. Keep it up! Happy composing!

  4. Hello everyone! How's the composition going? Push those uploads peeps! Let's give this community extra growth. Keep those reviews coming to get reviews. I'll be uploading around 7 PM with my cp examples. Thanks as always and happy composing!

  5. Hello everyone! Uploaded a couple of short counterpoints. I came up with the melodies while practicing late last night. What have you guys been working on? Good luck, keep those reviews coming, and happy composing!

  6. Hello everyone! Been a couple of days since my last upload. Where's everyone at on their latest compositions? I'm proud to say I'm close to reaching 200 1st species counterpoint. Also one of the forums older members, Olov, has come back after nearly two years! Keep the new music coming folks, and try to reviw at least once per day. Remember, review will get you more reviews, lol. Also, anyone reading anything good? Literature and analysis are important to all who wish grow...

  7. Hello everyone! How the composing coming? Haven't gotten too many counterpoints done. Let's all push to get some more music out there! Don't forget to check out sonataform's new polonaise on youtube. :3

    1. Sonataform


      Thanks for the plug

  8. I consider music to be like a rain drop in a pond of water. For every drop of innovation, there's ripples and waves that expand upon that drop until the next drop falls for the cycle to repeat. Just as in physics, when two waves meet, they briefly merge and ultimately pass through one another. These drops, the so called genres, and waves in the pond, musical expression via melodia and rythmia, develop the musical repertoire we hear today. The expanding waves are the developing musical idioms that become inspirational for the drops that have yet to be cast. Truly, the origin of uniqueness is to learn the art of what truly isn't unique. We must imitate before we can master, we must master the rules before we can break them. We must break the rules before we can truly innovate. Throughout history, the art of making music has come from the constant prep work put into it before hand. That is also the basis of education as we see it today. No matter how you think or progress throughout life, you are ultimately prepping yourself to cast the next drop. When and where it occurs is a choice of how much sacrifice that one is willing to put forth to reach it. Theoretically, we cast new drops in our own minds each and every day. Whether the information we dispense is discovered or not is another point; however, the breech point where that drop is put into societies pond is sometimes never reached, but fear not. The development that one has put into societies waves will not be in vain, for it carves a path for the willing to cast the next drop in your honor. Ultimately, we wish to be successful and prosperous. Sadly, success does not necessary lead to prosperity. Your satisfaction has to come from the mark, the waves, that you have developed. If it so happens that one manages to drop innovation, you might never even know it. Truly, one must keep sacrificing, keep creating, to destroy the foundation that one walks on. Each composer of the past and present must be respected for their contribution. It matters not if they develop or innovate; they are inevitably laying the path for the next generation. What truly matters, is the goals of the individual. What do you want to develop? What do you want to possibly innovate? Where is the path that will get you there? The vast majority of society has evolved via a method of focus. True greatness come from how you apply that focus.
  9. The theory is perfectly sound other than the numeric notation of the ii5/3. The only other minute discrepancy I see is the doubling in the V6. The order for doubling goes as follows: Soprano, root, bass, inner voices. The only exception is the doubling of the leading tone, which is not allowed. The leading tone in the key of C is B, so doubling the bass is not an option. If the program is opting for the most conventional part writing, that might be why. If it's not that, then I don't know.
  10. Just reached 50/10000 1st species counterpoint. This is exciting! A nice pallet cleanser like playing scales before practice. Also, an interesting melody came to my head while practicing the goldberg variations. Happy composing everyone! Be awesome to see some more uploads. :3

  11. Hello everyone! This is my first active post here. I'm interested in really connecting with the community here, so anyone wanting to branch out and build friendships, please do not hesitate to contact me. I've been uploading plenty of music to the site. I'm competent in the mid-level to early advanced stages of m. theory, so if anyone has questions they are more than welcome to ask. Currently, I'm exploring the other side of musical learning via counterpoint, kind of like...

  12. I appreciate all your rules of thought. I agree that what I have asked is a lot; however, there is a lesson to be learned here. There are no short cuts. If you put forth the effort, make the sacrifices necessary, you will succeed. Even if people aren't willing to follow it through 100%. The skills learned here will give birth to a new source of inspiration across the community. Not everyone here has the funds, nor the access to the best resources available, but they have dreams. If this challenge even brings one more composer to fruition, then I consider it worth it. It's been said that the trails of success have already been made, your choice is whether or not to walk them. We all know that all of the greats received extensive amounts of training. They were not born great; however, despite this, detailed lists of their learning exercises and patterns are rarely recorded. We all know the general idea of what got them there, what we don't know is how it got them there. How did they do it? What would it feel like to discover the how? REVOLUTIONARY! Imagine the possibilities. It could raise the musical caliber and musical prospects to astounding levels. An industry biased to chance and luck + skill could turn into a profession of prosperity upon educational completion. The thought of a future student immediately hired after graduation from college with a focus in composition is something I find inspirational. This challenge, though daunting, I wish to be beacon to all educators in the community to foster youth and aspire history. At the very least, the participant gains musical knowledge not normally known till' the college level. Thanks for all the responses! I wish nothing but the best for all of you.
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